Chibcha or Muiscas Culture – Universal History

The Chibcha or Muiscas Culture developed on the Cundimarca plateau, in the current republic of Colombia. This plateau is located in the middle of the Andean chain and determined by two important rivers that are the Cauca and the Magdalenawhich fertilize the area.

Organization of the Chibcha or Muiscas Culture

It is probable that this culture was just beginning its progress when the Spanish conquistador arrived in the 16th century. To this date, the Chibcha Culture was organized into cacicazgos or señoríos, the most important being: Guantená, Ircá, Hunsa, Tundama and Bacatá.

Chibcha Culture Map

The government was represented by an absolute monarchy, in charge of the caciques who were called the Zipa or the Zaque and, whose name varied according to the region where they exercised their government administration. These lords had the broadest authority in their power and obedience to them was immediate and supreme, to such an extent that it is assured that there was no ancient people that achieved as much obedience and respect as the lords of the Chibcha Culture.
As for their religion, they worshiped the Sun whom they called Súa, the Moon they called Chía; being its main God Bochica,. whom they considered as the embodiment of good and the civilizing spirit.
Regarding its architecture, there have been no signs or major archaeological monuments. Its constructions were initially made of wood and, later, of stone. It was a people of skilled and intelligent men who excelled in pottery and metallurgy, being considered, in the latter, as true masters and craftsmen.
They had intense commercial relations with the Central American peoples, and it seems that they were the ones who made the Incas known in those regions. For their commercial transactions they used a kind of gold coin or yew and held large fairs such as those of zipaquirá where they exchanged a series of products such as emeralds, salt and cotton. They were excellent farmers, being their diet based on corn. The Chibchas constitute a transitional people between intermediate peoples and high cultures.

How to quote us

González, María and Guzmán, Jorge (2015, April 28). Chibcha or Muiscas culture. Universal history. https:///edad-antigua/cultura-chibcha-muiscas