Mario’s note: On this occasion Iaio introduces us to the world of bridge or bridge cameras, from the hand of the Canon Powershot SX500. if you are hesitating what camera to buy to take your first steps in photography, this article may interest you.
Photography is a discipline that attracts more and more people, so it is fertile ground for companies to innovate and are constantly launching new products on the market. Canon is no exception and as we are used to, it has launched this impressive camera, within the so-called bridge range.
This type of bridge cameras allow greater control over obtaining the image than common compact digital cameras, they are equipped with a long-range lens (usually longer than a SLR camera telephoto lens), which makes them very versatile, although they are not interchangeable lenses, along with a host of features that will make you wonder: «Do I really need an SLR?«
As not everything in the world of photography goes through a professional camera, here is an analysis of the new Canon Powershot SX 500 ISa small but powerful camera, which will surely leave more than one with their mouths open.
To learn more about Canon, its cameras, mounts, terminology, etc., do not miss this guide that we have prepared for you.
With the launch of the SX500 IS, Canon can boast of offering the smallest super zoom camera on the market. And it is, that even your hand will be big.
Despite looking like a toy, it’s a really solid piece of equipment and while it’s not small enough to fit in your jeans pocket, it can fit in any small bag, making portability really easy and convenient.
The Canon SX500 IS is an excellent option if your mobile camera is not enough for you, you do not want to spend a fortune on a SLR camera, or you simply do not want to carry all the weight of a SLR device that can give you the same versatility as this little monster.
As I said before, the Canon SX500 IS is an intermediate camera, halfway between common compacts and SLRs for beginners, which could easily pass for a telescope thanks to its 720mm focal length (35mm equivalent).
To whom?
The Canon Powershot SX 500 IS is aimed at all amateur photographers who are thinking of making the leap from beginner to amateur, and why not also at those more advanced photographers who don’t want to carry all their equipment here and there just to get the urge to take some photos.
If you are thinking of buying a camera that has the convenience of a compact but the features of a semi-professional kit, then the PowerShot SX500 IS may be your ideal camera.
Featured Features
- Resolution of 16 megapixels.
- Focal length: 4.3 to 129.0mm, which is 35mm equivalent to 24-720mm.
- Maximum aperture (brightness): f/3.4 – f/5.8.
- Smart image stabilizer.
- Shutter speed: 15 to 1/1600 seconds, although it varies depending on the shooting mode.
- 3-inch TFT screen with 461,000 pixels.
- Screen vision coverage of almost 100%.
- Maximum shutter speed of 15 seconds and minimum of 1/1600.
- HD video recording.
- Stereo microphone.
- Rechargeable lithium-ion battery (nearly 200 shots).
Featured Features (beyond the obvious)
- Zoom framing assist: It is a very interesting function for this type of super zoom cameras. By pressing a small button located on the side of the lens, the camera automatically opens the plane a little to allow us to better locate where we are pointing and when we release it, it returns to the original position. When you work with a 720mm equivalent focal length (30x), believe me this is really very useful.
- Grips: It has a grip that allows you to handle it more easily and safely, making it extremely comfortable to hold. Stability is something very important for any camera, even more so for this model since, due to its small size and its extensive zoom, being able to hold it firmly becomes a key factor.
- Flash Pop-up Manual: It has surely happened to you that shooting in automatic modes, once the photo was framed and when you pressed the shutter, the camera decided to fire the flash when it shouldn’t, ruining your photography. With this type of flash, where you are the one who raises it at the moment of shooting, you will not have this problem, and you will gain more control over the final photograph.
- Dedicated video button: It is very useful in this era where compact and even mirrorless cameras hide their functions behind endless menus, to have these types of functions within reach of the thumb. Even more so in this type of camera that is designed for a standard user who is going to use it for both photography and recording.
- Image Stabilizer: Despite the fact that the zoom capability of this camera undermines its stability, the stabilizer that Canon has incorporated into it is really effective. Makes photos appear less blurry and sharper.
- Super Macro mode: this is one of the strongest points of this camera. In macro mode, the closest focusing distance is 0 (zero) centimeters. Yes, you read it right. With this small device you will be able to photograph from a beautiful landscape to the pollen of a colorful flower.
- Built-in gyroscope: With this function, it will no longer matter what position you have to put the camera in, however uncomfortable it may be, to obtain a spectacular photograph. The gyroscope will automatically rotate the image, both when viewing on the screen as well as when shooting.
- Scenes and filters: This model has more than 30 scene modes and filters available so you can give your photos a professional look, without the need to go through a computer. It also brings the possibility of using the manual mode, to have greater control over the result of the photograph.
But you also have to take into account some other drawbacks such as…
- The size of the camera can be very good or very bad, depending on the size of your hands. Being so small, handling the dials to change settings while shooting can be cumbersome.
- It only records videos in HD 720p at 25 frames per second maximum resolution. Although the processor is capable of recording in 1080p, this model does not have this configuration available. 720p is still more than enough to record a decent family video.
- You should forget about capturing your photos in the RAW image format since, again despite having the processor capacity to do so, it does not have that format.
- Despite having a screen of more than considerable dimensions, you can only shoot by looking through it. It does not have a viewfinder.
- Although the size of the sensor is according to the target audience, it is known that Canon is incorporating sensors of much larger dimensions than the one that the SX500 IS brings, in cameras almost the same size as it, although it would lose focal length (zoom range) if you didn’t modify the lens.
- If you are a touch lover, this model will leave you wanting since all the controls are adjusted by means of knobs and buttons, something that in my personal experience is much more convenient.
Currently this camera is available on Amazon for less than 200 Euros.
What really matters
As always, here I leave you a small selection of photographs taken with this same camera so that you can assess its results.
Zoom test (mind blowing):
final opinion
The Canon SX500IS It is a photographic equipment with many more features than those offered by compact digital cameras. It is even more complete than many of the bridge cameras in its segment, making it an ideal option for those amateurs who are beginning to take their passion for photography seriously.