Although esoteric questions have always existed, in recent times there are many people who have begun to be interested in them and among them know about the energies and the celestial aura, for instance.
And it is that although in the past the people who dedicated themselves to the study of this type of doctrine were frowned upon and considered profane, in recent times it has begun to be given more importance to these issues to achieve a bright celestial aura.
It’s just that when you talk about meaning of celestial aura, as of whatever white or bright color, it is made reference to positive energy, in particular this color is linked with the good communication.
However, there are some concepts that are said culturally but are rarely known. what exactly is the meaning of the aura, Therefore, in this article we will talk about what is the aura, what are its colors and specifically about the celestial aura.
What does the aura refer to?
Before going into more exhaustive detail about the celestial aura, it would be important to talk about some concepts about the aura, what is it about and what does this refer to.
When you talk about aura refers to the energetic radiation that a person emanates around him. It comes from the Greek word aer, which means “breeze”, that is why it is said that it is related to this energy that radiates and that the rest of the living beings can feel.
Nevertheless, this energy or “light” is not visible to all people. Some, with a lot of practice, get to see them, others no matter how hard they try, but what the Most you can do is interpret or feel the energy of the color of the aura.
How is this? Surely much simpler than you imagine. Has it ever happened to you to be close to a subject and feel that your energy went down and you even got in a bad mood for no reason? This probably has to do with the aura of the person you were with.
This is because the aura functions as an energy field that covers people or objectswhich is not visible to the eye of all humans, but can be perceived by many people.
As mentioned above, there are different colors of the same, that can give some indication about the way of being of that person and it is said that it is information that transmits the own soul.
those that are colored clear or transparent, as in the case of the bright celestial aura, speaks of a positive vibration of this subject. On the contrary, those colored auras dark and denser are linked with negative energiesdepression, and imbalance of the chakras in many cases.
Celestial aura: what does it mean
Although there are different colors of auras, in this article we will punctually emphasize the celestial aura.
This type of aura, is linked to the fifth chakra, which is called Vishuddha or better known as the Throat chakra. This means that he speaks of calm people, who transmit tranquility but at the same time a lot of vitality and energy.
Although all the bright colors of the auras have to do with positive energies of people, which we will talk about later, specifically the celestial aura is related to a good and clear way of communicating, so it is not illogical that it is linked to the throat chakra, and listening capacity.
Being a serene tone, people who have this aura are usually calm, as well as idealistic and with a sense of responsibility. Although they are introverted profiles, they are also super affectionate, kind and sincere.
For the subjects of celestial aura, the only thing that fits in your balance is love, and honesty is your best ally. In addition, they are morally correct, that they would not hurt anyone else, being purposeful and super protective.
They are simple people, who do not like power or seek to be leaders, which generally makes them ideal bosses. The only thing they seek is to be able to be calm and satisfied with their lives, as well as to be able to transmit their knowledge.
With regard to labor and professional issues, because they are great teachers, it is likely that their jobs are linked to education or spirituality. In addition, since they have the profile of being protectors of their loved ones, they can also dedicate themselves to jobs as caregivers, nurses and therapists, since they make everyone feel comfortable.
The celestial aura does not care about money and wealth. They want to make a good living with hard work. They seek to make life comfortable for themselves and their family members. In the same way, they are careful with money and investments.
Likewise, one of the data that most worries people is what those subjects who have a bright celestial aura are like. in relationships. In this regard, it should be noted that they are great lovers and friends for lifeprobably because of all the personality characteristics detailed above.
It is monogamous people, since love is the fundamental thing in the lives of these people. They are gentle at heart and are often understanding and forgiving easily.
For these reasons, it is very likely that all people want their aura to be this color, or at least be able to surround themselves with people who have this kind of positive, simple, kind and compassionate energy.
However, there are other colors that also reveal good and loving personalities. But be careful, all the colors must appear in bright tones, since the same ones presented in opaque tones speak of a dirty aura. Let’s know a little more about this.
More aura colors
As mentioned, there are different colors of auras, which are linked to the chakras. Therefore, it is essential to have these energy centers aligned to achieve the best version of oneself.
Red. Associated with the first chakra, Muladhara, root chakra. They are usually people who bring vitality to the rest, since this aura is linked to motivation, leadership and sexuality. They bring vitality to the rest of the people
Orange. Second chakra or Svadhisthana, navel chakra. Cheerful and positive people, who stand out for their active personality. They spread their vitality.
Yellow. Associated with the third chakra, Manipura or solar plexus. They are usually personalities with good communication and high self-esteem. Smart people.
Pink. Fourth chakra, Anahata or heart. Emotional and receptive subjects, who enjoy tranquility and nature.
Green. Linked with the fourth chakra. Its usefulness is purification and balance. They are usually calm, balanced and cheerful people. They are objective and persevering.
Violet. Related to the sixth chakra, Ajna or the third eye. They are subjects that generate sensitivity and respect, linked to spiritual thoughts and reflection.
White or silver. Seventh chakra, Sahasrara or crown. Another of the bright colors with which you can find. Indicates purity and creativity. They have a strong mental and emotional connection.
Golden. Protective and pure people, linked with inspiration and enthusiasm.
Gray. People with depression and dark thoughts. The difference with silver is that this gray tone is slightly more opaque.
Brown. People who are not being able to connect with their spiritual part.
Black. This color is directly linked to a negative energy charge, which can even be bad thoughts towards oneself.
These last three colors have to do with auras that are not pure, but have become dirty for various reasons. In addition to grey, brown and black they can also be present with the rest of the colors but instead of being vibrant tones they are rather opaque.
Taking into account these details of each type of aura, and its connection with the chakras, it is more than clear that to achieve bright auras it is essential to keep the energy points balanced and aligned.
For this, if you are one of the people who performs reiki, it will be much easier for you. For those who do not, among other things, you can lead a healthy life, play sports, listen to music that brings joy and emotion, eat food with the colors of the chakras, meditate and even perform the mantras linked to each of them. Stones can also be used to balance energies.
Not keeping things unsaid, letting go of the past, avoiding envy and carrying out activities that help meet each other’s goals will also help.
You already know the meaning of the celestial aura and the rest of the colors. Have you ever been able to see the aura of people? What energy did you feel?
Source: Color Meaning and Esoteric Guide.