Books that will help you have critical thinking

If we never question what we see, learn and consume, we will not fully take charge of our own lives. People have blindly believed in the faith that if we do what we are told, our lives will be solved and that is why entire generations have grown up with their eyes focused on a single point, without knowing that it is enough to move the head to discover thousands of new things.

Critical thinking is something that is considered “rebellious”, but in reality it is fundamental to our education and understanding of the world. We cannot expect that only what tradition dictates is what we learn.

These books will give you the tools not to understand the world from another angle, but to realize that there are many visions and we can almost never be completely sure of something.

“Think fast think slow” – Daniel Kahneman

The winner of the Nobel Prize in economics published this book in 2011. It compiles all his academic research divided into three phases. In addition, there he addresses his work on cognitive biases and his theory of perspectives, according to which it allows describing how people make their decisions in situations in which they have to choose between alternatives that involve risk and his work focused on happiness. . He compares two modes of thought: one fast, instinctive and emotional; and another slow, deliberative and logical.

“The world and its demons. Science as a light in the dark” – Carl Sagan

Surely you learned the scientific method in school, but if you did not pay close attention, your teacher was not passionate about what he taught or did not have the correct preparation for that important subject, Carl Sagan, one of the most important science popularizers in the history, it will teach you everything you need to know.

This book is a Bible of scientific thought, because in addition to knocking down many pseudosciences that have no basis, it shows the ethical dilemmas and the need for more people to be interested in science and technology. It even has its “skeptic’s kit” to recognize misleading and fraudulent ideas

“The Logic of Scientific Inquiry” – Karl Popper

This book was written nearly 100 years ago but remains one of the most important works to date. With the security that science and its methods have brought, Popper shows that even so they can be wrong, so he proposes a series of rules that allow knowing what is true and reliable, as opposed to what seems true and is a fallacy. The book also allows us to see how the arts and science can harmoniously coexist in the same bubble.

“The Guardians of Liberty” – Noam Chomsky

In the midst of a negative revolution, in which Fake News takes over our reality, Chomsky’s essay, which turns 30, is more relevant than ever. He learns how political propaganda works and how what you swear is a harmless post is actually molding someone else’s head into a pawn of power and corruption.

These books will open your eyes to different ways of thinking, things will not be easy, but change needs people who accept their reality and are willing to change it, because they know that the current order could be better.