We have previously written about the beginning of the intervention british in the south of Africa. In the framework of english imperialismthe commercial interests of the metropolis they entered conflict with the population Boer (first colonists originally Dutch). During practically the entire XIX century, a tense relationship was lived, but without reaching majors. The discovery of Prayed Y diamonds in the region, catapulted the conflict which led to War of the Boers.
Background to the “Boer War”
In 1890, cecil rhodes he was the prime minister of the Cape Colony. RhodesHe was an important defender of the politics expansionist of empire. The goal of english government was to consolidate “a Africa english from the Cape until the cairo«. But the two little republics source Boer (the Transvaal and the Orange Free State) got in the way.
when discovered diamonds Y Prayed in territory of Transvaal increased interest in South Africa. But the governors of Transvaal they refused to approve the installation of corporations mining. Then began the operations of the english In search of war conflict.
The tension reached its climax during the call “jamenson raid”. In December 1895. Leander Jameson and his police raided Transvaaland tried to provoke a worker uprising english expats (uitlanders). The President of Transvaal easily defeated the invaders, without them fulfilling their objective.
But from this, the tension between boers Y uitlanders raised. Both of them state boers they renewed one alliance defensive and presented an ultimatum to the english of Cape Colony. The British They rejected it and the «Boer War« broke out on October 11 1899.
The “Boer War” (1899-1902)
The overwhelming superiority of men and technology of the army of England prevailed over the newly formed Boer Republics. Around the mid-1900s, the war Come in armies had been won by British. But groups remained on the defensive Boer guerrillaswho were just defeated in 1902.
In 1902was signed Treaty of Vereeniging. In them boers they had to accept british rulealthough with the possibility of achieving self government later. In 1910, England created the Union of south africawhich included the Cape Colonythe Orange Free Statethe Transvaal Y Native. The binding of South Africa received a “semi-independence”, following the model of the domain of canada.
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Boer Cavalry Troops, on Google
Map of the Boer War, on Google