Category Understanding

causal conjunctions

The causal conjunctions are a type of subordinate conjunction that have the function of introducing a causal subordinate clause that expresses the cause or reason of the main clause. Likewise, they can also introduce words or phrases that account for…

Forest types

Forests, which are also called forests, are a unique type of ecosystem that is characterized by the predominant presence of medium and large trees. Therefore, forests are a very important element for life on Earth since, among other things, they…

10 Examples of Isotopes

The isotopes are the atoms of the same chemical element but have extra neutrons. Neutrons are subatomic particles that have no load, so if they are left over they do not modify the electrical balance of the atom. In isotopes,…

10 Examples of Basic Sentences

Through prayer it is possible to communicate directly with God, with the Saints, the Virgin, the angels or the Holy Spirit. exist basic sentences that can be used, or you can also pray personally with your own words that arise…

20 Volume Examples (Explained)

He volume is the physical property of matter by which covers a space of three dimensions: length, width, depth. In this article you will find examples of volume, its calculation and units. All substances occupy a volume, but this will…

concessive sentences

They are a type of subordinate clause that implies a concession, that is to say, an obstacle that is not completely effective for an action to be carried out and they are called concessive sentences. The concessive clauses are subordinate…

Demonstrative pronouns

The demonstrative pronouns are classified in the category of demonstratives. The demonstratives are words that function to indicate or point to something; express a certain closeness or proximity about what they are talking about. Demonstratives can be pronouns or adjectives.…

10 Examples of Latin Voiceovers

The latin locutions They are those words or phrases that are used in the Spanish language and that come from Latin. Usually the latin locutions They are used in philosophical, legal, religious, medical and technical language, although they are also…

name complement

The accessories They are groups of words that depend on some part of the sentence and that serve to complement information of a different nature. Specifically, the name plugin is a complement that subordinates to a noun or noun to…

Types of climates

The climate is the result of a calculation or the average of the temperature and atmospheric characteristics that characterize a place during a determined period of time. Therefore, this means that the climates are a representative sample of certain climatic…