Black and White Photography: Mega-Guide With Tips and Tricks

You have before you the most complete guide on black and white photography that exists on the internet. In this mega-guide I have proposed that no question remains unanswered. None? Yes, you heard right, none.

In it I will talk to you about everything related to the world of black and white photography, from technique, to equipment or composition, tricks for editing, vision, inspiration and everything you can think of. Because, if you know me a little, you will know that monochrome amazes me and, if you are reading these lines, I bet you do too.

Whatever your level, by the end of this article, you will have learned everything you need to take not only beautiful black and white photos, but truly spectacular black and white photos. There is no more secret to success than to train and practice, especially the latest, that’s all πŸ˜‰ .

Very important! Before continuing, save this article in your favorites so you don’t lose sight of it and have it at hand whenever you need it. Once this is done, the time has come for you to sit comfortably and enjoy reading πŸ™‚ .

β€œWhen you photograph people in colour, you photograph their clothes. When you photograph people in black and white, you photograph their soul.Β» ted grant


What is black and white photography?: Meaning

Black and white photography is a photographic genre in which the image is characterized by the absence of color. This type of photography is based, instead, on tones that go from white to black through medium tones (grey). That is why you can also hear about it as monochrome or grayscale photography.

A black and white photograph is therefore stripped of color, which makes it more raw, direct to the essence, based on light and form.

Black and white photography is instant, emotion and message. With little, we are able to say everything.

I invite you to take a look at this introductory article to black and white photography to whet your appetite.

What does black and white photography convey?

black and white images transmit drama and emotion they strip us of the scenery and show us what lies below the surface; the soul, the essence.

A black and white photo impacts us for the simple fact of showing us a reality different from what our eyes see.

A black and white photograph is, ultimately, the raw story, the timeless image.

Learn to see in black and white

But… “Mario, how do you know which image is suitable to be a black and white photograph?” You have to learn to see in black and white.

For this we must go beyond what our eyes used to color interpret, we must force the brain to imagine, to see lines, shapes and balance. See the lights and shadows, the story that emerges from a scene, its timelessness and its beauty in its rawest state.

Next, I show you some very simple tricks with which you will become an expert in capturing black and white wherever you look.

Tricks to learn to see in black and white

I already warned you that the best trick that exists to work in black and white is practice, practice and more practice πŸ™‚ Although there are some tricks to photograph in black and white with which to accompany your learning process:

  • Learn to translate the colors to gray scale. Each color has its corresponding tone in monochrome.
  • Take a good look at the shapes.
  • In the lights and shadows and its contrast.
  • work a lot the lines and patterns.
  • Find textures.
  • To think before shooting.

These 100 Express Tips to photograph in black and white (and fall in love) will help you a lot to train your gaze in terms of black and white photography.

What photos work best in black and white?

Photos that work best in black and white they are those that, to begin with, do not base their composition on color. In other words, it doesn’t make much sense to turn an image that has color as the main ingredient of the composition into monochrome, such as this one:

Rather, these are the type of images that work best in black and white:

Recommended Equipment for Black and White Photography

The best equipment is the camera you carry, the one you have, the one you already use. To photograph in black and white there are no excuses.

Black and white photography camera

That said, if you are thinking of buying your first reflex, bridge, mirrorless or compact camera, I would recommend that you look at the following:

  • Have the option to work in RAW format.
  • Have a good dynamic range.
  • That supports good ISO levels.
  • That suits your budget.
  • That I invite you to use it; don’t buy a SLR if you like to travel light ;).


  • To be as bright as possible. Having a king of lenses (50mm f/1.4) or a prince (50mm f/1.8) regardless of what other lenses you have is my personal recommendation.
  • Choose a focal length that suits the type of photography you want to do.

Accessories for black and white photography

  • A gray card is a great investment for how little it costs. It will help you get the correct exposure in any situation.
  • Neutral density filter or gradient neutral density filter to be able to take long exposure images during the day.

light in black and white photography

When we strip an image of its color, light and composition take on an even more relevant role, if possible.

Lighting is the CHALLENGE for any photographer, regardless of the subject they want to delve into. If you master the light, you will have 90% of the work done.

Here are some tips for you to get beautiful black and white photos and full of meaning.

If you are interested in delving into lighting, take a look at these articles with advice on lighting to improve your photographs, or 15 ways to master your raw material, light, and finally, frequently asked questions and simple answers so that you master light and photography exhibition.

Recommended settings for black and white photography

To work in black and white and obtain the best results, there are several aspects that you must take into account:

  • Set your camera to RAW format: This format is the one keep more information with which to work on developing your image. Unlike JPEG, the RAW format does not make any default adjustments in the camera as the JPEG does, which means that the camera in JPEG is making decisions and discarding information that will mean that you will have a much worse result in the final edition.
  • In color better than black and white: No, I have not made a mistake writing this. Forget about taking the black and white image directly from the camera. If for whatever reason you don’t have RAW, a color JPEG is always better than directly the black and white option of your camera. Why? For the same reason that we recommend working in RAW: you save more information in color and therefore have more freedom to edit and with better results.
  • In black and white from the camera: It is the worst option in terms of final quality, because it is the method that preserves the least information of all. But it can help you preview the image you want before deciding on one of the two previous options (if possible, the first one πŸ˜‰ ).
  • ISO: Always keep it to the minimum possible within each situation. It would be good if you knew the values ​​in which your camera moves with acceptable levels and thus try not to exceed them.
  • white balance: In this case, you can leave it on automatic.
  • AdobeRGB: This color space is the one that stores more information and with which you will get better results.
  • Work in manual mode: It will allow you to decide each aspect of the shot. If you’re still having a hard time getting the hang of it, try starting with a semi-manual mode with aperture or speed priority.

black and white composition

We have already said that it is an essential element when we remove color from an image. A good composition is the basis of any black and white photograph.

The composition is part of the process of abstraction that we do when we want to photograph in monochrome. It is very important to add a good dose of intuition and abstraction and, above all, to try think about the image in black and white before pressing the shutter.

Only then will we be able to see the compositional possibilities of the scene in front of us. For it:

  • Identifies a center of interest.
  • Use the rule of thirds to place your protagonist within the frame.
  • Look for the lines, they are powerful compositional elements to direct the viewer’s gaze.
  • Frame horizontally and vertically.
  • Look for patterns, play with the rhythm and break the rhythm.
  • Less is more, many elements are difficult to read and can divert attention from the main subject.
  • Look for different and original points of view.
  • Frame through natural frames (windows, doors, arches, trees…).
  • Practice with negative space.
  • Or to fill the frame.
  • Play with lights and shadows as one more compositional element.

black and white portraits

If there is a theme that goes perfectly with black and white, it is portraits. A portrait is, by itself, a type of photography full of feeling, so combining it with the use of black and white usually gives very good results.

  • Look for plain backgrounds or with little information to highlight your protagonist.
  • Use the diaphragm opening to blur the background.
  • Practice with the high and low key.
  • Play with lighting.
  • With high contrast images.
  • Double exposure.
  • Etc.

Babies and children in black and white

One of the star themes to work in black and white is everything related to childhood.

It may be because of its documentary style, or because of its ability to capture time and freeze it, but the truth is that black and white is capable of turning an everyday moment into an imperishable memory.

To get the best photos of children, here are some quick tips:

  • Work at fast speeds.
  • Let them play and be themselves.
  • He photographs the day to day, the everyday.
  • Take advantage of the light.
  • Play with the aperture depending on the result you want to obtain.
  • An imperfect photo is better than losing a moment.

For this you will also need a good dose of patience and a left hand and some tricks to photograph babies, to photograph children, in express format and end with a little inspiration.

black and white landscape

The black and white landscapes they are real opportunities to get impressive images. Maybe it’s not the issue a priori you would think for a black and white photo, but the truth is that they can be great protagonists of your grayscale images.

Although they require a good dose of abstraction, you can achieve truly amazing results by keeping a few simple tricks in mind:

  • The textures…