Biohacking: a lifestyle that optimizes the brain and biology

The biohacking, designed by the American Daved Asprey, is gaining popularity around the world. Melina Vicario, the leading figure in biohacking in Latin America, describes it as “a new lifestyle that is based on the use of science, technology and the ‘Quantified Self’ to optimize the brain and biology in a fast and measurable way”.

“Some people say it’s the art and science of becoming ‘super human.’ I like to say that they are different mental and biological strategies that allow us to sit in the driving seat of our brain and our biology. It allows us to create a bridge between the wisdom of nature and life in the city”, adds the Argentine, specialized in Neuroscience, Technology and Innovation at Stanford University.

The main axes that biohacking uses to achieve optimal well-being and transform your life are: brain and mindset, rest and sleep, purpose, nature, movement, tribe and nutrition. One of its keys is the “Quantified Self”: the measurement of different biological variables before and after applying what is called bio hacks or interventionssuch as changing lifestyle, diet, sleep schedule, thoughts, and environment.

“The measurement of the variables gives us the possibility of detect which is the tool that works best for bio-individualitythe particular characteristics of each person”, explains Vicario.

“A free way to measure ‘Quantified Self’ is to use a self-assessment journal: writing down how our focus is, our concentration, our states, our sleep. There are more sophisticated ways such as the measurement of brain waves and the oura ring, which allows a large number of biological variables to be measured, ”he adds.

If you want to start applying biohacking in your lifeVicario maintains that the best way to start is with what he calls “removing slop”, since if that which inflames and contaminates, at least the most toxic, is not eliminated, it is difficult to achieve results.

“My recommendation is to remove cosmetic slop, which unknowingly intoxicates us and damages our health. There are three allied apps: Think Dirty, Ingrid and Healthy Living, which allow you to scan the ingredients of cosmetic products and determine if they are toxic or not”, she explains.

“You also have to really want to drive our biology and our mentality. The mindset of a biohacker is one of curiosity, flexibility, openness, and self-experimentation.”, he adds.

SIMPLE BIOHACKS to apply in your life

If you want to apply any of the biohacking tools to your life, Melina Vicario shares biohacks that you can start applying today.

For the morning:

– Natural light: when waking up, observe natural light before turning on any artificial light.

– Choose the thoughts: in the morning, before receiving external information, seek to install in your mind those thoughts aligned with your life purpose.

For a better rest:

– Total darkness: seeks to avoid all types of artificial light after sunset and sleep in total darkness.

– Disconnect Wi-Fi: leave your mobile as far away from your body, turned off or in airplane mode.

– Natural rhythm: as far as possible, following the circadian rhythm adjusts the biological clock.

For the concentration:

– Cold shower: for at least 30 seconds.

– Facial cryotherapy: fill a container with ice and submerge your face for as long as you can hold without breathing and repeat it three times.