Biography of Christopher Columbus –

Christopher Columbus is probably one of the best known characters in all of universal history. He was the promoter of the exploration project that led to the “Discovery of America”: one of the most important historical events -if not the greatest- of the last centuries. Today we propose to know a little more about the biography of Christopher Columbus, but concentrating on his least known stage, that of the first years of his life, before his arrival in the “New Continent”.

Christopher Columbus’ biography

Christopher Columbus was born in the city of Genoain Italy. The exact date is unknown, but historians estimate that it could have been between August 25 and October 31 of the year 1451. His parents were Domeneghino Colombo Y Susanna Fontanarossa (other versions say that she was of Spanish origin).

the childhood of Colon she was kind of lucky. Their family had a good positionalthough she could not be considered rich. Her father owned a loom business and also a small cheese shop.

In the stories that Columbus himself made about his biography describes himself as a lover of the sea from his youth. In several documents it is related to navigation: on a corsair ship, in naval troops of Naples or in Genoese fleets, and also in ships engaged in trade. Although it should be noted that many historians doubt some of the sources that mention these circumstances.

Justly it is on a trip aboard a merchant ship that -after the attack of some corsairs- Columbus is shipwrecked and is saved by swimming to the coast of Portugal. Once there she settles in Lisbona city that houses a large Genoese colony.

Later he meets his woman, Felipa Moniz de Perestrellodescendant of a noble family. With her I would have to have hers first son, Diego Colon. Years later his wife died, and Columbus had a new partner. She would be Beatriz Enríquez de Arana, who was the mother of her second son: Hernando, also known as Ferdinand Columbus.

During the years he lived in Portugal, Christopher Columbus devoted himself primarily to trade. Thus he came into contact with numerous sailors who probably told him stories about the existence of lands beyond the sea. Around 1481, Columbus made a trip along the west coast of Africa in the expedition of Diego d’Azambuja and, somewhat later, to England.

Christopher Columbus and the route to the Indies

All these voyages give Christopher Columbus a extensive experience in navigation techniquesand in geography. This is set in a context expansion of the borders that were lived late fifteenth century.

In times of Renaissance the exploration navigations I know increase. This helps to expand the geographic and astronomical information, while new territories are incorporated.

To this we must add the technical innovations and technology incorporations from other cultures, as happened with the astrolabe. Thanks to these advances Ships make great voyagesunthinkable not many decades ago.

On the other hand, many scientists and navigators defended ideas and conceptions that underpinned the belief that Colon of the existence of a western route towards indies. A route shorter than Africa and safer than Mediterranean controlled by enemies.

Christopher Columbus elaborate then your project of a western route at indies and presents it to portuguese court, but is rejected. This failure added to the death of his wife lead him to abandon Portugal. his brother, Bartholomew Columbuspropose the project to Henry VIII of Englandwithout much luck.

The next try would be with the Catholic kings, Ferdinand of Aragon and Elizabeth of Castile.

On January 20, 1486, he interviews them and the answer is negative once again. Bartholomew Columbus travel to Francewhere he offers the project to Anne of Beaujeu, regent of Charles VIII. The plan of the western route.

But the passage through court of the Kings catholics it had not been entirely a failure. The project was kept in deliberation for several years, and over time Colon was gaining support within the court. The expulsion of the Arabs from Grenadewhich allows the Spanish crown deal with new issues. Finally Colon is quoted by the Queen Isabel Catholic a Santa Fe (Grenade) where the negotiations take place.

The result will be the signature, the April 17, 1492of the Capitulations of Santa Fe. The capitulation was a contract that was celebrated at the time between the Crown and the expeditionary and in which the conditions of the company were established. From there Columbus begins to train his crew and prepare ships and supplies for the trip.

The day August 3, 1492 the expedition departs from ports of sticks heading to indies .. a destiny that Colon would never reach… What would happen soon after – “the discoveryof America– is part of a new history.

Myths, legends and realities about Christopher Columbus

Almost always a biography is based on known data and object facts about a personality in question. However, the figure of Christopher Columbus has been of such importance for history that numerous myths and legends have arisen around him, starting with the first, confirmed, that Columbus never wanted to reach America and that his true destiny was the India. For this reason, we are going to make a point and apart within the rigor that usually characterize the biographies of famous people and we are going to refer to all those surprising myths and legends that revolve around Christopher Columbus. And some other reality that you may not know.

It is generally believed that at that time many people, including members of the Spanish Crown, still believed that the Earth was flat, while Columbus maintained that it was spherical, and his notes for the trip had been made in accordance with that thought. . This is often used as one of the reasons why, in principle, Columbus was denied the trip. However, this is not true. During that time, an important part of society (especially in the upper echelons) already had the notion that the Earth was round. It is often said that Columbus was denied the trip because they were afraid that he would reach the end of the world and fall off a great cliff. As we say, none of this is true, and the fact that he was denied the first trips to the Indies has to do with the fact that the Crown and the experts in his charge believed that Columbus underestimated the size of the planetand that this one was actually much bigger than I thought.

In this case, as something historically proven, the figure of Columbus is far from being that of the discovering hero. It can be said that Columbus was a lucky guy who, searching for the Americas, arrived in the Bahamas. Columbus made 4 trips in his life to South America. His intention there was to contact other kings of the area, but he soon realized that there was nothing similar to what they were looking for, and that the indigenous populations were much inferior in terms of weapons. Numerous historical documents indicate that both Columbus and his two brothers use the excessive violence against the indigenous people of the areafrequently resorting to torture and mutilation. There are documents of up to 23 witnesses of the time that assure it. In fact, the Catholic kings themselves relieved him of his position and put Francisco de Bobadilla in his place.

Lastly, it is generally accepted that Columbus’ caravels were called the Santa Maria, La Pinta and La Niña. However, the truth is that only the name of the Santa María is real. La Niña’s real name was Santa Clara, while La Pinta’s real name is currently unknown.

Video of Christopher Columbus

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