Beings of light on earth: how to know if a person is an angel

There are some people whose destiny is simply to leave a trace of light on Earth. These people seem to be born to make others happy to be around them. Some call these people “beings of light on earth”.

Maybe you know some people who are like that or even you feel like that, so today we will introduce you to some signs that will help you recognize beings of light on earth or know if you are one.

Characteristics of the beings of light on earth

In general, it can be discovered if a person is a being of light by the following traits of his personality or behavior:

  • They are kind.
  • They have natural abilities to help.
  • They are sensitive and empathetic.
  • They have memories of other lives that they cannot explain.

How to know if a person is an angel or a being of light on earth?

If you want to know more, or need to discover how to know if i am a being of light and how to know if a person is an angelyou can read this guide and draw your own conclusions.

Beings of light on earth: very sensitive people

The angels or beings of light on Earth have a purpose: to make the planet a better place. However, this is a very difficult job for them. A lightworker will usually feel overwhelmed by the problems that are going on in the world. Frustration and weariness from injustice will drive you to despair.

They always try to stay away from noisy people, as conflicting energies wear them out. This does not mean that they are antisocial, since they are very empathetic people. They just decide to get away from what they call “negative energy.” Many times, that energy is found in some people, and thanks to your ability to distinguish them, you can choose to spend time with them or not. On the other hand, even if they decide not to spend time with them, they will always be there if they need help. Helping is the mission of angels on earth.

Beings of light on earth: people who love their alone time

If you need to answer the question how to know if a person is an angel, one of the characteristics that can help you know is that they are usually people who love their time alone.

Due to the high levels of negative energy, these people love to stay in their rooms away from overwhelming energies. Staying indoors is a way to prepare for the next outing to the outside world. Being in their room, or at home, is a way of healing their psyche and the parts of themselves that are wounded.

Beings of light on earth: they care a lot about others

Usually the beings of light on earth are people who feel empathy for other people and want to help them as much as possible. That is what angels do on Earth, that is, that is their mission. They will leave everything else to solve other people’s problems since they feel connected in a very broad way with their peers, and making them feel good in this world that is increasingly conflictive is one of their purposes in life.

Beings of light on earth: people who know they have a particular purpose

Nonconformity with organized society and worldly desires are part of a lightworker’s personality. These people want to go their own way, leave their own mark and make their own rules: they don’t like people giving them orders, as they tend to be oppressive.

Beings of light on Earth feel the desire to do something humanitarian, such as social work, humanitarian, counselor, acupuncturist or massage therapist. They can even start their own businesses. They are people who travel the world helping those in need, or choose to volunteer in poor neighborhoods in their own country. They are always willing to help, even when they don’t have time. For them, others are more important than oneself.

Sometimes, you have to pay attention to this type of attitude if you want to understand how to know if I am a being of light or, on the contrary, how to know if a person is an angel.

Beings of light on earth: their intuition does not fail them

If you normally live your life through decisions based on your emotions and intuition, it is because perhaps you are an angel on Earth. These types of people tend to feel more than other people and do not let themselves be guided by logic.

Beings of light on earth generally prefer activities that bring out emotions such as the arts, music, the sharing of stories and inner connection. In addition, they are people who can listen to their inner self and act based on their emotions.

How to know if a person is an angel? The rejection of most “modern ideals”

On the other hand, if you are looking for how to know if a person is an angel, another characteristic that can help you know is if that person rejects the idea of ​​modernity. Although it sounds strange, it is a very noticeable trait in the angels of light on earth.

These people do not identify with the way most people behave today. The waste of spiritual energy on jobs we hate, on hate, the way this hate turns into wars and discrimination, the way we mistreat our planet like it’s not the only place we have to live.

To summarize, the angels on Earth have realized that we cannot continue to live in a state of separation and isolation from one another; we absolutely need each other to survive and thrive. Also, being committed people, it is normal to hear them talk about these problems and how we can contribute to achieving a better world.

The angels of light on earth have experience: they have lived many lifetimes

On the other hand, these people, even if they don’t know it, have lived several lifetimes on earth. And in all of them they were deeply involved with spirituality. For example, they are believed to have been in overwhelming numbers in the old religious orders of their past, such as monks, nuns, hermits, psychics, shamans, priests, priestesses, etc.

These people were those who provided a bridge between the visible and the invisible, between the daily context of terrestrial and extraterrestrial life, uniting the spiritual planes and the kingdom of God.

However, it is natural that they do not know. Perhaps they are people very connected to their past because of their wisdom, since they “remember” or “intuit” things or moments that others do not, and they never know how to explain it. That is, they cannot give a logical explanation that fits in with normality and modernity.

This is because the memory holds recollections even from other lifetimes, although angels on earth usually cannot put into logical words what they are thinking or imagining. Sometimes they think that they lived something in their dream, but the reality is that it was in another of their lives.

To give you a divine explanation, many devotees believe that spirit guides are chosen in the “beyond” by human beings who are about to incarnate and want help in their new life on earth.

Did you recognize any of these personality traits in yours?

If so, you are probably an angel on Earth and you should continue to do good. Try to continue on the right path and guiding others towards a better future.