Every year, when the almanac marks the date of the next vacation, the obligatory question appears: Sea or mountain? Both are good destinations to relax, unwind and have a good time. The mountains and the river have benefits that the sea and the sand do not have, but also the beaches have unique advantages. What to choose? We break down the pros and cons of two destinations with many attributes and resources.
The sea
The sea and the sand bring us closer to our emotions
When we are near the sea our mind and body experience unique emotions.
There are many factors that influence well-being, one of them is the improvement of the joints, since you can take long walks by the sea.
It also helps relaxation and improves stress level since the negative ionization of the breeze increases serotonin levels (neurotransmitter responsible for stress states) and with them decreases anxiety. Likewise, breathing the sea breeze, with a high mineral content and almost no polluting products, improves the respiratory situation of patients with chronic pathology.
The beach, the sand, the sky, so close to the eye, make an infallible trio so that the sense of humor is positive. Such a close connection with nature is good for the body and the heart. And being so linked to the wild, it invites you to meditate, to rediscover yourself and to practice yoga.
The sun is another ally of beach vacations. Recharging vitamin D is always advisable, this vitamin promotes the retention and absorption of calcium and phosphorus, mainly in the bones. With good sun protection, being exposed to the sun is beneficial for the skin, mood, defenses and quality of sleep.
Mountain air is therapy
If the destination is mountains and rivers, the disconnection is total and that helps to relax, to distance oneself from the phone (usually there is no signal) and to connect with nature.
The advantage of being close to the mountains has repercussions on the body. This is not new, being in contact with the outdoors has very positive psychological benefits. The famous “mountain therapies” reduce depression and the use of medications, because it increases positivism. The great vegetation and the pure air decontaminate the lungs, and give the possibility of living more peacefully.
Swimming in the river, entering its crystal clear waters, and taking advantage of its relaxing cadence. Walking barefoot through the grass and the company of wild plants that surround that landscape make you lose track of time, the clock, routine and chores are left aside, being able to completely disconnect with “reality”.
The river and the mountain invite you to move away from the clock
Nights in mountain cities usually have no more attractions than a good dinner in a nice place. That is why they are shorter, and that makes it possible to take advantage of the day, and eat healthy with a substantial breakfast contemplating the mountains.
Both destinations are ideal to relax, rest and connect with enjoyment. The beach, the sand and the sun will fill you with energy, vitamins and unique advantages for the body and soul. And, for their part, the mountains and the river will give away fresh air, varied vegetation and a mountain breeze, to relax and forget about the hands of the clock.