Archaeology: information, branches, studies and characteristics

We explain what archaeology is, its object of study and the task of an archaeologist. In addition, we explain its characteristics and subdisciplines.

What is archaeology?

Archaeology is the science dedicated to the study of ancient societiesthrough the discovery, description and interpretation of its preserved remains, such as ruins, utensils, works of art, ceremonial objects and even human remains. Its name comes from the Greek archaios“old”, and logos“knowledge”.

Given the non-specific nature of its field, archaeology is often considered a social science, a subfield of anthropology or even the humanitiesThis is also partly due to the fact that this discipline draws on knowledge from many other sciences and disciplines, such as topography, geology, history and geography.

Thanks to the great discoveries of archaeology, today We know much more about past civilizations and we can much better understand the dynamics of our sociological and cultural history as a species.

See also: Scientific observation

What does archaeology study?

There are various points of view regarding what this discipline studies. According to some, its focus is on the study of the material remains of civilizations that have already disappeared.

Others consider that this is just a method.

For them the real object of study is the social and cultural changes that humanity has experienced along the history.

For others it is the scientific reconstruction of the life of ancient peoples.

History of archaeology

The arqueology It was born from the formalization of the antique trade during the 19th century.What was once simply a hobby for things from the past, as a collector or even a dealer in antiques, has become a discipline.

As a result, this profession acquired formal rigor and applied scientific methodsIn its beginnings, this discipline was very close to the philosophy of positivism, which required objective and scientific considerations, often unattainable given the nature of the study.

At the moment, Contemporary archaeologists have understood the subjective value of their workAlthough the aim is to obtain scientific knowledge, archaeologists use their subjectivity to a certain extent when interpreting the anthropological treasures they unearth.

What does an archaeologist do?

The work of an archaeologist can be diverse and his or her work can be oriented towards different areas:

  • Teaching. Transmits accumulated knowledge.
  • Investigation. Generates knowledge by analyzing the results obtained by third parties.
  • From the countryside. It deals with the search for archaeological remains.

The latter normally comprises three stages:

  • Prospecting. This involves exploring the different territories where there is likely to be an archaeological site, delimiting the terrain to be studied and preparing the needs of a possible excavation.
  • Excavation. The next step involves a thorough search of the area where the site is located, in order to extract valuable anthropological remains from the earth, which can range from fragments of a vessel to ancient tombs or codices buried in caves.
  • Laboratory. Once the anthropological remains have been extracted, they are studied in detail and preserved. This work is initially carried out in a laboratory, where they are washed and consolidated to prevent deterioration. After a thorough record of their particularities, they are catalogued for delivery to museums, research centres or universities.

Why is archaeology important?

The arqueology It is fundamental to understanding the human pastsince written records or preserved relics are not always available. This is particularly true for cultures that were aliterate (without writing) or that have long since disappeared, as is often the case with ancient peoples.

Thanks to archaeology, We can find, study and understand the remains of our cultural ancestorsIn this way we can also understand who we are, where we come from and perhaps where our future is headed.

Archeological sites

Some ancient remains (such as fragments of tools, structures or even human remains) They have been preserved underground for centuriesWhen a set of these elements is concentrated in one place, we are dealing with an archaeological site, also called a settlement or archaeological site.

For a set of ancient remains to be an archaeological site, It must be a product of human action and therefore attest to the presence of previous cultures. On the other hand, if it is only animal remains, such as dinosaur bones, it is studied by another discipline, such as paleontology.

Although it is about formerly populated territoriesSome archaeological sites are located in areas that are currently uninhabited. However, others are located beneath current housing estates where many people live, without knowing what is hidden beneath.

Archaeological excavations

The excavations They are probably some of the most exciting work in archaeology.They involve physical incursion into different territories, some even underwater or inside caves, in pursuit of the recovery of archaeological findings.

These excavations They can last for months or even years.and involve a large, interdisciplinary team. In addition to including experts who deal with the remains found and the appropriate excavation techniques, it includes specialists in the safety of people, the preservation of what is found and the environmental standards to be considered.

Archaeological dating

Once valuable archaeological remains have been found during excavations, a thorough study of them is often required. Among other things, their time of origin is determined. This is known as dating and can be done through various techniques, for example:

  • Dendrochronology. This involves the study of the internal rings that can be observed in cross sections of the wood of tree trunks, in order to determine, by comparing it with other remains of wood whose age is known, the approximate age at which the tree lived.
  • Carbon 14 dating. Carbon atoms on the planet exist in different isotopes or versions, one of which is Carbon 14. This isotope is extremely durable (it has a half-life of 5,730 years) and judging by its proportion present in archaeological remains, their age can be calculated.
  • Potassium-argon dating. Another method depends on the atomic lifetime of matter, this time on the potassium-40 and argon-40 atoms, long-lasting isotopes present in certain volcanic rocks. They are extremely useful for dating very old archaeological or paleontological remains, for which carbon-14 does not work.

Current problems in archaeology

Archaeology today faces many drawbacks that make its work difficult, such as: the destruction of deposits due to mining, agriculture or urban construction. In addition, it is affected by the looting of artifacts.

On the other hand, In some countries, it is hampered by a lack of interest and financing.Excavations are often expensive and take a long time to yield their first results, so state funding is often essential.

Another problem is pseudoarchaeology or fantastic archaeologya pseudoscience or occult discipline. Unlike formal archaeology, it does not employ any scientific method. It often indulges in far-fetched or hallucinatory theories that are spread in sensationalist media, obscuring the real work of archaeology.

Subdisciplines of archaeology

Archaeology has numerous branches, the main ones of which are:

  • Underwater archaeology. That which is interested in the remains of shipwrecks or populations located in currently submerged regions.
  • Archaeometry. The branch of archaeology concerned with understanding the physical, chemical and biological phenomena that influence the preservation of sites, and which allow excavators to do a better job or even date their finds from the surrounding material.
  • Egyptology. Dedicated to the study of ancient Egyptian civilization, as well as to the recognition of its hieroglyphic writing, its traditions, its imagery and its particular architecture.
  • Ernoarchaeology. The practice of ethnology or anthropology through archaeological techniques and knowledge, which is why it is nicknamed “living archaeology”: it deals with the study of societies that are still alive and contemporary, but pre-industrial.

Examples of archaeological finds

Some of the main archaeological findings in history have been:

  • Machu Picchu. Located in the Peruvian mountains, it is a set of ruins of an ancient Andean village or llaqtabuilt around the 15th century and discovered in the 20th century.
  • Rosetta Stone. A granite stone from 196 BC, on which is inscribed a decree of Pharaoh Ptolemy V, issued in the city of Memphis. This decree is in three types of script: Egyptian hieroglyphics, demotic script and ancient Greek, and thus serves as the beginning of a dictionary.
  • Ruins of Pompeii. Located around the Vesuvius volcano, which erupted in 79 AD and buried the inhabitants of the Roman town of Pompeii in lava, preserving them forever. It was unearthed in 1738.
  • Lascaux Cave. A system of caves located in Dordogne (France), in which a set of samples of rock and Paleolithic art was discovered in 1940.
