Using organic and ecological products for the care of plants in the orchard or in the garden forms an excellent basis for applying organic farming. They also represent a fundamental key to improve the fertility of the soil. Thus obtaining more balanced agroecosystems and with the ability to harvest nutritious products. That is why today we will talk about what are the alternatives to the use of fertilizers and pesticides.
How are organic fertilizers defined?
Natural alternatives to replace the use of fertilizers are also known as organic fertilizers or ecological fertilizers. They are defined as materials of animal, vegetable or mixed origin. They are responsible for improving the quality of soils once they are properly applied. Providing a good amount of organic matter, microorganisms and many other nutrients.
According to the origin of these natural alternatives to replace the use of fertilizers, there are various types of organic fertilizers. Some examples of simple are worm castings and compost.
What are the advantages of organic fertilizers?
When a crop is carried out continuously, it causes a significant loss in the amount of nutrients found in the soil. Causing the amount of organic matter that exists in it to be depleted. Due to this problem, it is important to provide this organic matter through natural alternatives to replace the use of fertilizers. Since this is an external way of putting organic matter through the crop residues.
Some Advantages that stand out from organic fertilizers are the following:
All natural alternatives to replace the use of fertilizers are free of chemicals that are harmful to flora and fauna.
Apart from offering a greater load of nutrients to the soil, they offer an improvement for its structure. Thus favoring a better retention of water and a better exchange of nutrients through the roots of the plants.
Although they specifically improve the quality of any kind of soil, they are also beneficial for soils that are very poor in organic matter.
How are organic fertilizers classified?
Among the main natural alternatives to replace the use of fertilizers are the following:
island worm
It is a fertilizer that has been implemented for more than a hundred years in Latin America. It is a kind of conglomerate of droppings, eggs, feathers and remains of seabirds. It contains a high amount of nutrients, reaching up to 12% nitrogen, 11% phosphorus and 2% potassium.
Known as one of the most popular natural alternatives to the use of fertilizers, practically made up of animal excrement. Although the quality may vary depending on the species and other aspects, it offers many nutrients. It has 1.5% nitrogen, 0.7% phosphorus and 1.7% potassium. It can improve the overall quality of soils, especially if used in the right proportions.
green manures
This class of natural alternatives to replace the use of fertilizers consists exclusively of plants. Which are cultivated not in order to obtain fruits, but to serve as a natural fertilizer.
Leguminous plants are normally used for fertilizers, as in the case of vetch or clover. But there are cases where rye or oat plants are also often used as organic fertilizer. The former are responsible for providing a nitrogen supply and the latter offer a higher content of organic matter.
The main advantage obtained with this type of natural alternatives to replace the use of fertilizers is that they offer more biomass to the soil. Although they also provide many nutrients due to decomposition. Thus improving the overall structure of the soil.
Earthworm humus
earthworm humus
These are fertilizers that come from the decomposition of organic waste due to the natural work of earthworms. Its pH is neutral, it does not produce odors and it has a texture very similar to ground coffee. The red worm is often used for the production of this organic fertilizer. Since it has adapted quite well to the soil and climate conditions in the places where it is used.
Worm humus stands out among fertilizers more than anything because of its high number of bacteria. Being especially recommended in case of having to improve the biological properties in the soil.
It is one of the natural alternatives to replace the use of fertilizers that comes from Japan. Unlike the previous ones, this one is quite complete, because it offers the soil not only micronutrients, it also offers macronutrients that are essential for plants. The decomposition is carried out under controlled conditions and the results are obtained in a short time.
These are fertilizers that come from the controlled transformation of organic waste of plant and animal origin, also known as compost. Depending on the kind of material used to make these fertilizers, they may have a higher or lower quality. An average compost contains 1.04% nitrogen, 0.8% phosphorus and 1.5% potassium.
Liquid organic fertilizers
The natural alternatives to replace the use of liquid fertilizers are:
Sulfocalcic broth: It has an enormous fungicidal and insecticidal power, also acting as a sealant for cuts in the pruning of logs.
Rhizosphere microbial: This is a liquid that has microorganisms found in the rhizosphere of plants. Responsible for improving the biological and physical-chemical conditions of the soil. It also increases its fertility.
Super four: They are organic fertilizers that are prepared with a mixture of cow manure, copper sulfate, cane syrup, raw milk, water and other ingredients.
Cow manure fermentation: Makes plants more productive and more resistant, since it offers them a better balanced operation. As well as it is responsible for increasing the quantity and quality of the roots in most plants. It also increases nutritional capacity and resistance.
Differences between ecological pesticides and bioinsecticides?
Before knowing what alternatives there are to avoid the use of pesticides, you must first know the difference between those that are ecological and bioinsecticides. The main difference between the two is that bioinsecticides are made specifically from living organisms. In contrast, organic pesticides are usually made from plant extracts or a mineral. In both cases, the advantages are the following:
– These alternatives to the use of pesticides in plants are respectful with the environment
– They do not have a security term. It means that from the treatment to the harvest, days are not required.
– With the exception of minerals, most of these pesticides are biodegradable. They also do not generate waste, so that toxic chemicals are not ingested when consuming food.
– Its toxicity is null or too low.
– It is possible to combine pesticides with each other.
– Many pesticides can be manufactured at home without any problem.
– Reduces the risk of creating resistance to insects.
– Reduce the appearance of pests that are secondary.
– Pesticides can be used in organic farming and integrated farming.
You may also be interested in: How to make natural fertilizers at home
What are the ecological pesticides that can be prepared at home?
When it comes to knowing what alternatives there are to avoid the use of pesticides, there is a wide variety that can be prepared at home without problems. However, keep in mind that insect repellents should be used after the flowering of the plants. Specifically once the flowers have dropped.
ecological pesticides of garlic
Garlic is considered one of the best alternatives to the use of pesticides in plants. It has the ability to drive away and at the same time deter a large number of insects in the garden. To make these pesticides, it will be necessary to crush a head of garlic in a blender along with some cloves. Also adding two glasses of water to have a fairly homogeneous mixture.
Let the preparation rest for a day and then mix it with three liters of water. Knowing about what alternatives there are to avoid the use of pesticides implies keeping in mind that there are foods that work very well to drive away unwanted insects. And once the desired mixture is obtained, it is placed in a vaporizer and the leaves of the plants are sprayed.
Ecological pesticides to drive away snails
All people who have plants outside and especially those who have a garden in the garden, have problems with snails and slugs. Therefore, it is a good idea to know what alternatives there are to avoid the use of chemical pesticides if you want to drive away these insects.
They usually eat the leaves, although this is the least serious when it comes to crops. The bad thing about snails and slugs is that they feed on newly planted shoots. Leaving only a small stem and completely destroying the future of the plant. Some of the most used ecological pesticides to drive away slugs and snails are:
Eggs: For the good health of soil and garden plants, eggshells represent one of the best alternatives to the use of pesticides on plants. They offer a double benefit, as they can be used as a fertilizer and also as a repellent. All you have to do is crush the egg shells into a powder. Sprinkle the powder at the base of the plants, creating a kind of ring. It will work as a barrier for snails and slugs.
Nettle tea: When you have to take into account what alternatives there are to avoid the use of pesticides, nettle becomes an excellent ally. Using it for crops involves putting on gloves to avoid that uncomfortable feeling in your hands when touching the leaves. Collect about 500 grams of nettle, place it in a container and add 5 liters of water. Let it sit for at least a week and you will have a completely organic liquid insect repellent.
Tomato pesticides: Tomato leaves contain many alkaloids, allowing them to function as a repellant for worms, snails, caterpillars and aphids. Fill two cups with many finely chopped tomato leaves and add water. It is necessary that the mixture rest one night. Dilute with water and place in a sprayer to spread the preparation on the plants. This repellent should be avoided near pets, as it could be toxic.
Pesticides made with chili peppers
These are perfect organic pesticides to take care of the health of plants. In this preparation for pesticides, it will be necessary to place 10 chili peppers of any type to blend for 2 minutes, along with two cups of water. This mixture should rest for at least one night. Filter the pesticide preparation, add a glass of water and place everything inside a vaporizer.
Although it is a medicinal plant, it works quite well as one of the alternatives to pesticides. It is enough just to sow wormwood in the garden or in the vegetable garden. It will work to repel caterpillars, weevils, and mites.
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