On a physical level, allergies are a reaction of the immune system to a foreign element that, for most people, does not affect them.
It is something like a “false alarm” of the immune system, which generally must defend us from germs and bacteria. When you have an allergy to something, our defenses act the same as with that type of microorganism.
From the point of view of biodecoding, allergies are our body’s fight against a part of our life that scares us or that we don’t want. It is resistance against an aspect of our existence that we do not want to face.
Thus, the substance that generates the allergy is the symbol of that aspect of life against which we fight.
Some examples of allergies according to biodecoding
Milk allergy: it is related to conflicts with the mother, toxic mothers or separation of the subject from the mother.
Allergy to an animal: animal-related shock.
Sun allergy: It is related to the father, with the separation of this or problematic relationships.
Gluten allergy: it has to do with resistance or conflict within the family. Bread is the symbol of the family, and having an allergy to it may have to do with family breakups, fights, lack of dialogue.
Allergy to non-precious metals: it can be a transgenerational situation, if there was a death with a knife in the family.
Pollen allergy: It has to do with love relationships and also conflicts with sexuality. In the case of children, this may be inherited from their parents.
Action protocol for allergies
Like those mentioned above, there are many more types of allergies. From biodecoding, it is proposed that the first step to face this problem is to try to identify what or who triggers it.
When was the first time I had this allergy? What was happening around me? What situation could affect me or represent a shock in my life that I am protecting myself from?
Based on these answers, the real way to overcome allergies is to face the situation that triggers them.
The ultimate goal is to build a new mental model:
The world is a safe and welcoming place. I am safe. I am in peace with the life.
Important: It should be clarified that The Bioguide does not give medical advice or prescribe the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical or mental problems without the advice of a doctor, either directly or indirectly. In the case of applying any information on this site for this purpose, La Bioguía does not assume responsibility for these acts. The site is intended only to provide information of a general nature to aid in the pursuit of personal growth and development.
Medline Plus
Dictionary of Biodecoding – Joan Marc Vilanova i Pujó