A real Angel is caught on camera when he saves the life of a young woman from the brink of death

The Angels are figures belonging to some monotheistic religions of different cultures. In their stories, they are generally conceived as celestial and beautiful creatures whose purpose is the protection of human beings, including the performance of small miracles.

The existence of these beings has been much debated and the appearance of inexplicable events since ancient times has caused controversy about whether or not these beings have intervened to do good.

Now we present the case of a young woman whose life was miraculously saved by what some consider an Angel. Keep reading to know more.

This is the case of Chelsea Beaton, a young woman of then 14 years old, who at her young age had gone through several difficult moments due to some serious medical problems. In 2012, pneumonia got in the way of Chelsea, and doctors gave up all hope for her.

After the bad news, naturally, Colleen, Chelsea’s mother had to make the decision to disconnect her or continue insisting on her daughter’s life. Unable to do so, she left her alone in the room and waited for the inevitable. But that’s when something amazing happened and she gave young Chelsea another chance.

The medical team tasked with ending Chelsea’s life entered the room and found her recovered to the point where her health was stable, all without having received any medical assistance since her mother left her. Ella chelsea proved that she could go on living. Not a single logical explanation could come of it.

  • After the recovery, the doctors at the hospital realized something wonderful when reviewing the security cameras, still confused and trying to make sense of Chelsea’s recovery: a mysterious figure appears in the form of what many consider to be an Angel, materialized in light.

The following video shows the footage from the hospital, and has fascinated many around the world. The mysterious security camera image appears from minute 1:10.

Despite the way some think he is an Angel, there are other people who contradict them. One theory of these other people is that of possible lighting coming from the window and the floor, which just happens to look like an Angel. It would be a rational fact and not at all miraculous.

That’s what some skeptics say, but for Chelsea’s mom, Colleen, it’s clear. God heard her prayers and sent an Angel to save her daughter’s life at the last moment. She now spends her time sharing as much as possible with Chelsea, who has special needs.

Do you think it really is an Angel that saved Chelsea’s life? Or was it just a medical miracle, without any divine intervention? Do you have any explanation for this? Tell us what you think in the comments and discuss the information with your friends.