The human being has a mind privileged and a immense potential of resources. There is no greater force in nature, than a human being with a firm and total determination. If there is something in our life that we don’t like, we have the power to change it.
John Kehoeauthor of the best seller “the powers of the mind”, explained the way in which he came to the firm conviction of the immense power, which as a human being, inhabited him.
He secluded himself in a cabin isolated from all social life, in order to write and meditate. He realized that he could not transmit to other people, messages of empowerment and of the immense power that our mind possessesif he didn’t firmly believe it and experienced it from every cell in his body.
He had to find the absolute faith that would confirm that belief. He then decided to focus, every day and about an hour to repeat the phrase over and over again:
There is an infinite power inside of me
Our words, thoughts and emotions create our future
The things we think, the words we say and the beliefs we have are very powerful; they shape our experiences and our lives. It is as if every time we have a thought or say a word, the Universe listens to us and responds to us.
If there is something in our life that we don’t like, we have the power to change it.
We have the power of our thoughts and words. When we change our words and thoughts, our experiences change too.
Whatever our past, whatever background we come from, however difficult our childhoods may have been, today we can make changes. This is a very powerful and liberating idea, and if we believe in it, it becomes reality.
First we make the change in the mind and then life responds to us accordingly.
As John explained, there were many days when he found this exercise completely absurd and desperate, but he never stopped doing it day after day. Weeks and months went by, until the third month, while he was doing the same exercise as always, something inside made a “click”something changed, and finally “He felt” of that his mind had immense power, that he was capable of achieving anything he truly set his mind to. She had imprinted this belief on his subconscious mind.
His brain began to work in a different way, much more efficient and empowering, he firmly believed in himself and in his abilities.
Surely you have heard more than once, that most of the time we put the limits on ourselves. A pessimistic or negative person, due to their belief system and lack of faith in themselves, is discarding, without even realizing it, a huge range of options and alternatives, to get out of an adverse situation or achieve their dreams.
When we connect our heart, our mind and our conscience, we enter into the harmony we need to materialize our desires.
You are the only one who can do it. All the power is within you.
The Glass Half Full
Earth Paradigm