The manufacture of tires and their disposal once used involves one of the most serious environmental problems: a large amount of energy is consumed in their production and after use they usually end up in landfills that produce a high level of pollution. You can contribute to the change by following this step by step to create practical sandals by reusing an old tire. Try it and you will be taking a step towards a more sustainable life with your feet.
To make the sandals you need:
-1 old tire (go for a walk and you will surely find one that has been thrown in the trash)
-1 cutter or knife
-1 white chalk
-1 sheet of paper
-1 pencil or marker
-1 elastic band of resistant fabric or ecological leatherette
-Thread (in the color of the ribbon you choose) and needle
1) First, take a sandal of the size you want to make and, with the help of a pencil or marker, draw its outline on the paper. Once you have done this, add 3 triangles to your outline: one at the bottom and two on each side, in the form of fins.
2) Cut out the outline. This will be your mold.
3) Next, take the tire. Make sure it is as clean as possible and, with the help of a cutter or knife, cut a piece the approximate size of your mold. If you use a thinner tire, it will be easier to handle.
4) Place the piece of tire upside down (with the hollow part on the board you are using to work with) and mark the outline of your mold with white chalk. The lateral triangles that you have drawn must go along the side of the tire, as if “hugging” it.
5) Cut it along the line as neatly as possible.
6) Then, with the same chalk, draw small horizontal marks on the 3 triangular ends that you have left. In total you should have 3 marks per sandal.
7) With the help of a cutter, make a small cut in the marks. These will be the holes through which you will pass the ribbon to form the clasp of your sandals.
8) Take the elastic band, fold one of its ends and pass it through one of its holes, taking care that the loop formed does not come apart.
9) Pass one of the free ends inside and then the other; forming a kind of knot. turn it over The knot will be on the side of the sole and on the other, the two ends. Cut the length to fit the size you need and sew the ends together.
9) To assemble the central transverse strip, pass the ribbon through the two side holes and sew the excess part that will remain on the inside.
In the video you can follow the procedure of assembling the sandals step by step.
And ready! You will have finished your sandals to go out and travel the world with a different footprint.