8 products you won’t want to buy again after knowing what they are made of

Do you really want to read this? Think about it well, because when you finish the last paragraph, you may not go back to consuming certain things that you find delicious or that bring back deep memories. Ignorance can become a blessing and we warn you from now on, if you really want to continue with the blindfold and not know what some things that are common to millions of people around the planet are made of, do not read on.

Production in a globalized world must find a way to do more with less and sometimes that means using toxic chemicals or artificial products that allow something that would rot in two days to last up to a year. Or also substances that would make us nauseated just thinking that we could eat them.

An example is chocolate. We all know that cocoa is necessary for its production, but the reality is that most of the planet has never eaten real chocolate, but rather low-quality products with artificial flavors. You still have time to close the page and continue with your normal life, right? It’s okay, we load you.


Marshmellow is its name in English, due to the extract that was used in the past to create these fluffy chocolates that, although we know that they are very sugary and not good for our health, are part of our imagination and eating one every so often is delicious. Too bad the days of using “marshmallow” to make them are over and now part of what makes up a marshmallow is a jelly that comes from boiling skin and bone scraps from cows and pigs left over from meat scraps.

industrial apple pie

Baking a cake or pie is a delight, but sometimes we prefer to go to a fast food restaurant and for dessert have one of those individual packages filled with something that we hope is apple. The way those pies are made, aside from artificial flavoring and some real apples, is with something called cystine, created from bird feathers and cattle hair, some even say human hair is used in the process.

Vanilla ice cream

The delicious smell of vanilla often reminds us of the past, our childhood and those ice creams we loved to eat on a hot day. The bad thing about those memories is that if you ate vanilla ice cream from an industrial ice cream parlor, surely what you perceived was something called castoreum or castoreum, a secretion from the anal glands of the beaver that was also used in perfumery.


Despite the fact that breweries like Guinness have already completely eliminated isinglass as part of the process to make one of the most delicious drinks in the world, there are those who continue to use the product that comes from the bladder of a small fish. That is what has made many vegans horrified to learn that they have been naively drinking an animal derivative for years without knowing it. The concentrated collagen in isinglass is necessary for the yeast in many beers, especially craft beers.


These sweets use many artificial colors, but red has a peculiarity, it is created from carmine extract, which is obtained by crushing insects of that exact color which, when mixed with water, allows it to be used industrially.

Chewing gum

Chewing gum has been with us for a long time, but in the past the coca leaf was used, which is used for the production of cocaine. To replace it, hundreds of chemicals are used that, when put together, serve to do two things, chewing gum and rubber, so the next time you see some rubber toys, we recommend you think about whether you would also put that in your mouth.

Red Bull

The energy that the energy drink gives you comes from synthetic taurine that can cause strokes, migraines and stress. However there is something worse, it also uses aspartame, a non-caloric sweetener that may be responsible for causing leukemia.


There are certain hair products that seek to be much better than others, and in search of being more organic and efficient, they substitute the proteins they obtain from eggs and plants for those of bull semen, a trend that began in beauty salons in Greater Britain and spread throughout the world, and that seems to be quite counterproductive to the effect they really wanted to achieve.

You can always find organic and local alternatives for those products, but surely you can say goodbye to those that are made by big industries that will always look for the cheapest way to give you something.