An ingrown hair is actually a hair that curls in on itself. While an ingrown hair is more common in people who have curly hair, almost everyone will get one at some point.
For example, if you are a person who shaves regularly, you may have to deal with these quite frequently.
Symptoms of ingrown hair
In addition to the fact that it is a hair that grows under the skin, it has the peculiarity of generating some discomfort or pain. Thus, it can cause inflammation, pain, darkening of the skin, swelling under the skin, blisters and even infections that are sometimes difficult to remove.
How to remove an ingrown hair: 7 alternatives
In this note, we share 7 instructions or tips to keep your skin free of ingrown hair. Although laziness can sometimes win out, following the instructions will help prevent new ingrown hairs from appearing in the future.
1. Use a sterile needle, tweezers, or rotating medical device for ingrown hair.
- Use the warm compresses first (this should bring the hair to the surface).
- Don’t dig to get to the hair if you can’t easily reach it.
- It may take a bit of time to coax the hair out, so preserve the skin and don’t cut it.
Sometimes you will see the hair folded close to the surface of the skin. This means that the tip of the hair has started to grow into the skin, and if you stick a needle in the bend and pull a little, the end will often come loose.
If you choose to use tweezers, remember that these can be either pointed or flat. A pair of pointed tweezers can do less damage to the skin around the hair if you use them carefully. Another option may be to use a rotating medical device for ingrown hairs, which does not damage the follicle or the skin around it.
2. Always keep the skin free of any ingrown hairs.
- Wash the area around the (formerly) ingrown hair with warm water and a moisturizing soap.
- Apply an antiseptic to provide extra protection against infection, avoid wearing tight clothing on the area, and exfoliate regularly to prevent the growth of new ingrown hairs.
3. Apply a warm, wet compress to the affected area for a few minutes.
1. Just wet a rag with hot water, wring it out and press it against the ingrown hair. When the cloth cools down, wet it again with hot water.
2. If you can see the ingrown hair trapped in the skin, this treatment will smooth it out and bring it closer to the surface. If you can’t initially see the hair, leave the compress on warm until the hair reaches the skin’s surface.
3. If you apply the compress for ten minutes and still can’t see any trace of hair, then you may not be able to remove it yourself or it may be something else.
4. How to remove an ingrown hair with the help of the egg membrane
- Remove the membrane from inside an eggshell.
- Cover the problem area with the membrane.
- Let it dry and shrink over the area.
- Once it’s dry, remove it. The ingrown hair should come out along with it.
5. Apply some acne medicine.
Ingrown hairs are very similar to pimples, especially when the ingrown hair is accompanied by pus. Apply benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid many times a day for a few days. This, combined with daily exfoliation, is usually enough to remove the ingrown hair, as the inflammation will subside, giving the hair more room to come out (rather than more ingrown hairs).
If you don’t have acne medicine on hand, you can try the aspirin method or add a dab of toothpaste.
6. Use warm milk and bread compresses.
- Heat a small amount of milk (not too hot).
- Put a piece of bread in the milk.
- Place the bread on an ingrown hair. You may feel it is too hot, but it won’t (unless you’ve made the milk too hot).
- Leave the moistened bread on the ingrown hair. Take it out when it is cold (about 2 minutes).
- Repeat the procedure for 10 minutes or so.
- Check if the pore has opened. Use a needle to lift the hair and leave it free.
If you can’t see the opening, dip the bread back into the milk and leave it on the hair. If it doesn’t open, visit a health professional to have it checked out.
7. Dip a cotton ball in witch hazel and apply it where the hairs have ingrown.
This home remedy is great for soothing irritated skin and helping to remove ingrown hair. It also serves to reduce redness and inflammation. Use it before and after waxing. In this way, you will help keep your skin healthy.
How to remove an ingrown hair: more tips
- If you can’t initially see the ingrown hair, leave the compress warm and moist on longer.
- You can (almost) sterilize your tools by boiling them in water or cleaning them with alcohol (contrary to popular belief, alcohol doesn’t kill everything, but it’s better than leaving the tool untreated).
- Always make sure the rake is clean before using it. Also, invest in a good quality shaving cream, as some even claim to prevent ingrown hairs.
- Use a non-comedogenic moisturizer on any areas prone to ingrown hairs. Non-comedogenic products do not clog pores.
- The longer the ingrown hair, the less likely it is to fold into the skin, so try to shave less closely. It is better to use a single blade rake or power rake instead of a multi-blade rake.
- If you do burn or have red breakouts afterward, use a moisturizer to get rid of the redness. Vaseline also works great.
- Don’t shave unless you have to. If you shave every day, most of your hair will grow faster, but not all of it. Thus, the skin becomes more prone to ingrown hairs.
- Always use a clean razor when shaving more sensitive areas, like your bikini area.
- Always make sure to keep the area you are about to shave wet or damp, never apply soap or lather to a dry area.
Do I have to go to the doctor for an ingrown hair?
Although ingrown hairs are normal and sometimes come out, if it is a chronic disorder, it is necessary to see a doctor for the corresponding check-up.
Important: It should be clarified that The Bioguide does not give medical advice or prescribe the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical or mental problems without the advice of a doctor, either directly or indirectly. In the case of applying any information on this site for this purpose, La BioguĂa does not assume responsibility for these acts. The site is intended only to provide information of a general nature to aid in the pursuit of personal growth and development.