5 steps to rebuild your life

We walk without knowing where we are going, looking for some perspective. When we finally have it, sometimes we realize that all the road traveled was the wrong one and we need to make a decision, Will we follow this path, even if we don’t like it, or will we risk everything to achieve the goal we really want?

Changing your life is not an overnight decision. Sometimes you realize that everything you expected from life is not coming true and little by little you must work on a plan that helps you take control of what happens around you. Although many things can affect: children, our partner, a stable career and more, it is important to understand that we can always turn around and look for what we want, we just have to make an effort.

accept the change

Maybe your life has turned 180 degrees, but you need to accept it as it is. If your job doesn’t make you happy, but you don’t have preparation for the job of your dreams, maybe you should continue working and also study to change careers. That implies that you will have to stop going out, work harder during the day and often sleep very little to study.

Live in the now

It will not be easy to change your lifestyle, but if you only see what you want in the future, maybe the present will frustrate you too much. Many times you will feel that you are not making progress and that you made the worst decision to change your life, but if you live one day at a time, you will not feel so much pressure and you will soon be on your way to your true goals.

change your habits

Why do you need to change course in your life? Maybe you need to get away from a toxic environment or maybe you need to fulfill dreams that you would not otherwise have achieved. If you are going to change completely, that implies that your habits, the things you used to do and the people you used to hang out with, must also change. Start meeting other people who do what interests you now, but above all, stay away from toxic people who only tell you that you are doing it wrong. That false worry is something you don’t need at this point in your life.

Let it go

You change, but you are still the same person. Remember that the material does not matter and in that sense it is true that everything you had up to that moment no longer matters, but take care of your personal relationships that really have a positive impact on your life. To the rest, let them go, you can explain, but remember that you don’t owe that to anyone either and that your mental health is very important in this very difficult process.

Never stop learning

Things to come must be better, but remember why you did it, now don’t let the landscape take your attention off the road again and get lost again. And if you think that this may be happening, but you are clear about your goals, remember the phrase of the English writer JRR Tolkien:

“Not all who wander are lost”


Purpose Fairy