If we talk about esotericism, perhaps the first thing that comes to your mind is an environment full of smoke, magic, spells and mystery. It is precisely that esotericism is characterized by relating to what is hidden from the senses, which is difficult to understand. But also, it refers to the set of practices that are related to magic, alchemy, and others that are more than explainable by the scientific method have nothing.
Be that as it may, esotericism somehow seduces us; It invites us to think that not everything is as we see it, that there are “forces” and “phenomena” that occur and that not even the most exact science can explain.
If these topics make you curious, you want to delve into the mystery and go into unknown lands, try one of these books, and you will see how your mind opens.
1. The Secret Doctrine
This book was written in the 19th century by Helena Blavatsky, a Russian writer, occultist, and theosophist. In its pages, the book (which is divided into 6 volumes) deals with topics such as the evolution of the universe and theosophy. The latter refers to a set of doctrines that holds that the knowledge of God can be achieved without the need for divine revelation.
If you are interested in religious and philosophical thought, and questions about the universe, the soul, and eternity intrigue you, you should dare to read it.
2. The Red Book by Carl Jung
This book was written by Bernardo Nante, an Argentine doctor of philosophy who has studied Jung’s work in depth. In this work he provides a guide to access the thought of the Swiss psychiatrist, since he collects his experiences of the “encounter with the unconscious” through the application of the method of active imagination.
If you want to read dream stories, essays and thoughts that delve into the complexity, symbols and language of the most inaccessible areas of the mind, you should read this book.
3. Kabbala unveiled
In the introduction to this book, by the British occultist By SL MacGregor Mathers, it reads: “At the present time, a mighty wave of occult matters is spreading within a society, the thinking man is beginning to wake up and realize that There are many more things in heaven and on earth than I could dream of in everyday philosophies.”
Thus, it presents the Bible as a book with dark and mysterious passages, locked with a key that hides its true content. And the key to decipher it, for the author, is in the Qabalah, a Jewish esoteric doctrine. This concept comes from the custom of
pass on esoteric knowledge by word of mouth.
What hidden secrets will you find in its pages?
4. The Kybalion
This, in truth, is a 19th century document that was written by an anonymous group of people calling themselves The Three Initiates. This book recounts the teachings of Hermeticism, which is a philosophical and religious tradition, whose foundations are attributed to the alchemist Hermes Trismegistus who, according to legend, was Abraham’s guide.
This document establishes 7 principles: mentalism, correspondence, vibration, polarity, rhythm, cause and effect, and gender. For example, it postulates that the Universe is mental, that everything moves and vibrates, that everything ebbs and flows, that everything has two poles; that gender exists everywhere; and that every cause has its effect; among other things that will open your mind.
5. Isis Unveiled
Another work by HP Blavatsky, where she immerses herself in parapsychology, spiritism and other manifestations, seeking to validate them scientifically and philosophically.
Are there body and spirit, or are they the same thing? Find out and ask yourself more with this book.
It’s always a good excuse to read!