4 signs your third eye is opening

The third eye is the one with which you can see things that are not visible to us with physical eyes. It is a spiritual sign, which has to do with being able to look at reality in another way, and discover signs and signals that are normally forbidden.

Meditation and mindfulness practice are ways to connect with the third eye and open it. The concept of the third eye appears in many cultures and religions, which is why the ways to activate the third eye are diverse.

But all beliefs agree that once you have managed to open it, a kind of sixth sense develops, and you are able to see and understand things that would have been impossible before.

If you are interested in opening your third eye, you should pay attention to these signs. They indicate that you are very close, and you can try to boost it.

1. Increased intuition

It is, perhaps, one of the most common signs of the opening of the third eye. When your third eye is opening, a strong and deep intuition also begins to develop.

You can notice it clearly when you have a deep feeling that something is going to happen around you. You may also notice a stronger sense of right and wrong.

This sensation can be persistent or appear intermittently, but it will ultimately be a guide to your daily life.

2. Extreme sensitivity to light

As your third opens, you may start to feel extremely sensitive to light. Also, vivid colors can appear even brighter to you.

It doesn’t necessarily have to be an overwhelming or unpleasant feeling. In reality, you will feel an enormous awareness of the moment you are living: as if you are truly seeing it for the first time.

Then, if while meditating you focus on your third eye, bright lights may appear.

3. Pressure between the eyebrows

The third eye is located between the other two, a little above, at the level between the eyebrows. That is the point where its strength lies.

Therefore, when it begins to manifest more deeply, physical symptoms will appear there. You may feel pressure, as if someone is squeezing your brow, or a sensation of strong heat.

At first it will appear during meditation focused on the third eye. When it is even more developed, you can start noticing symptoms out of the blue, in your everyday life.

4. Sensation of change

If your third eye is opening, it is because a transformation is happening within you. And that will be noticed in your emotions and in your day to day life.

You may become more tolerant and generous. In addition, you will notice that you can read people better, and that you are not so easily deceived.

The feeling that everything changes around you will be present all the time, but it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. It is, after all, the natural result of the profound change that takes place within you as your third eye opens.