30 Examples of Opposition or Antinomic Analogies

Oppositional or Antinomic Analogies

The oppositional or antinomian analogies They are those that relate two terms that are opposites or antonyms. For example: White that black What cold that heat. In the first clause the terms “white” and “black” are related, because they are opposites. This clause is compared with the second clause, which also has two terms that are opposite: cold and heat.

Analogies show the comparison between two pairs of words. It is not always easy to understand them, for example, to understand oppositional or antinomic analogies it is necessary to know the words, their meanings and how they are related to each other.

Characteristics of oppositional or antinomic analogies

  • These analogies are made up of two clauses containing a pair of opposite words each. For example: Hot that cold What turned on that switched off. “Hot is to cold” is a clause and contains two terms that are opposites: hot and cold. This clause is compared to the second “on is to off,” which also contains two opposite terms: on and off.
  • Are asymmetric analogies, that is to say, that each clause contains two words that cannot be changed places, because they are not equivalent terms. If any term were to be moved, the analogous relationship between the two clauses would be broken.

Examples of oppositional or antinomic analogies

  1. Clear that Dark What cheap that expensive.
  2. Horrible that handsome what great that short.
  3. Ancient that modern What shiny that opaque.
  4. Light that to turn off what increase that get low.
  5. Up that below What near that far.
  6. Slow that Quick What short that great.
  7. The TRUE is the lie what the happiness is at sadness.
  8. Success that failure What loyalty that treason.
  9. Great that short What true that false.
  10. Funny is bored What tasty that bland.
  11. To talk that to silence What get in that go out.
  12. Noisy that silent What friend that enemy.
  13. Hard that easy What sweet that bitter.
  14. Loneliness that company What humidity that dryness.
  15. Overthrow that build up What to accept that to refuse.
  16. Dirt that cleaning What Liberty that confinement.
  17. Correct that incorrect What irrational that logical.
  18. Calm that restlessness What order that disorder.
  19. Possible that unrealizable What wise that ignorant.
  20. Special that Ordinary What rich that ugly.
  21. Entrance that exit What a lot of that little bit.
  22. Remind that forget What to love that hate.
  23. The war is at peace what the utility is at futility.
  24. Clear that cloudy What obvious that doubtful.
  25. Follow that Leave What invent that plagiarize.
  26. To be is absent What to freeze that defrost.
  27. Lasted that soft What airtight that evident.
  28. Antidote that poison What healing that disease.
  29. The hope is at hopelessness what the elevation is at plain.
  30. Open that to close What get up that feel.

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