Postural reeducation is something that should be exercised as part of our daily routine. Our body adopts postures and positions that adapt to our activities and without us noticing it we can be harming ourselves.
If you spend long hours in front of the computer, it is likely that your neck and back are tense, that your shoulders are not relaxed as they should be, and that your spine is slouching. Postural reeducation will help you keep your body in a healthy position that complements your breathing.
Postural reeducation exercises
- Stand up and spread your legs hip-width apart. Clasp your hands above your head with your palms facing the ceiling as you inhale. With your feet flat on the ground, reach to your right side as you exhale. Return to the center inhaling. Repeat to the other side.
- Stand tall and spread your legs a little wider than shoulder-width apart with the tips of your toes pointing slightly out. Bend your knees so they are in line with your toes. Place your hands palm to palm at chest height, as if it were a prayer position. Stretch your legs as you inhale and raise your hands above your head. Return to the starting position exhaling and repeat.
- Get on all fours by resting your knees and hands on the floor. Contract your abdomen and keep your neck in line with your back. Bring your right foot forward between your two hands to make a lunge. Lower your hips and stretch your back leg further.
Perform these exercises three times a week and remember to incorporate inhalation and exhalation into your daily activities.
Important: It should be clarified that The Bioguide does not give medical advice or prescribe the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical or mental problems without the advice of a doctor, either directly or indirectly. In the case of applying any information on this site for this purpose, La BioguĂa does not assume responsibility for these acts. The site is intended only to provide information of a general nature to aid in the pursuit of personal growth and development.
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