23 Wonderful Travel Photos To Fill You With Inspiration

If you like photography and you like to travel, surely you spend the day wishing you had a vacation to get away. Whether long or short, near or far, the truth is that traveling inspires, it inspires so much, that sometimes traveling with the imagination is enough 😉 So if your vacations are over, or if they haven’t arrived yet, or you simply will not be able to escape in the near future, I leave you with some images to fill you with photographic inspiration.

1.The magic of mist

A low sun, a dreamy landscape and mists that add magic to the scene serve to open this photographic series.

2.Sunset and silhouettes

We always talk about sunrises and sunsets, how wonderful the light is at this time of day, the game it gives, the richness it brings to your images… Here you have an example of all this.

3.black and white

Black and white always deserves a chance 🙂

4.Natural details

Man (or woman) does not live on great panoramas, details are part of any detail, and they tell us a lot about the place we visit, its beauty, its fauna and flora or its customs.


They are a resource that we should always have on hand. The reflections and symmetries they produce can give a lot of play in travel photography.

6. Architecture

Another classic of travel photography is the architecture of emblematic buildings (or not). The play of lines, vanishing points, perspective, are elements with which to add depth and interest to the image.


That’s what it’s about, right?


Infinite roads, curves, straight lines, leaf tunnels, desert paths… the paths are always suggestive and add a sense of travel, adventure and movement.

9. Portraits

A couple of portraits cannot be missing from the album of a good traveler.

10.From the sky

If you travel by plane, do not forget a couple of snapshots from the air. You can get images like the following.

11.With photographer included

Poor us who never appeared in any photo 😉

12. Meteorology

Do not underestimate or dismiss any opportunity to photograph during a trip. Rain, fog, and any “bad” weather conditions can make for a great image.

13.Different scenarios

14. Human Element

We have already discussed it on occasion. The human element can be used to add interest to the image, to give it scale, to help you tell the story, to create context, and so on.

15. The star king

The sun and the atmosphere it creates are also part of many travel images.

16. Silky effect

A good composition and exposure together with techniques such as the silky effect of water, can give you spectacular landscapes.

17. At night too

Do not forget the magic of a night sky full of stars, the light of the moon and its atmosphere. Dare with astronomical photography and take home some unique images.

18.On the move

In photography, everything that comes from the soul is worth it. Although we tend to run away from blurred photographs, sometimes joining the “enemy” can give you good results.

19. An original frame

Including a natural or artificial frame to frame a scene can work very well.

20. Inspire adventure

21. Formal compositions

Do not forget to always take care of your compositions.

22. Impossible landscapes

There are landscapes that only need to be framed.

23. Any time of the year is valid

Man (or woman 😉 ) does not live on summer vacations alone.

How are you? Have I helped you escape the routine for a few moments? Have I helped you escape the sultry heat or the unsettling cold? Have you been wanting to grab your camera, put four things in the suitcase and go on an adventure? In that case, objective achieved. I hope that these images accompany you on your future trips when you lack inspiration 😉 . Oh, and if you know of a diehard traveler who you think would enjoy this article, feel free to share it on Google+, Twitter, or Facebook. Thank you very much and until next time 🙂