Neuroscientists have proven that our brain can change. And for this transformation to be positive, the mind can be exercised to free it and change our reality.
The psychologist and art-therapist Victoria Nazarevich explains how the act of painting or drawing allows us to connect with our interior and forget about the mental burdens that we impose on ourselves, without demands or self-judgments: “I must calm down”; “I have to change my way of being or thinking”; “I can’t go on like this”, etc.
Every day we carry out activities that end up affecting our mood in some way, some activities cause stress and fatigue, which changes our mood and alters our system to relate to others.
When thoughts drown us and our reality is distorted, we can block ourselves and bring consequences that we did not expect. Learn these simple methods to release your fears, worries, frustrations, and needs for control.
With these tips you will learn to calm your mind and relax quickly and easily. You will only need a pencil and a sheet of paper to draw and let the energy flow. In this way you will be able to free your mind from all that negative energy that invades you and you will stop worrying so much.
1. If you are tireddraw flowers.
two. If you’re afraidweave macramé or make fabric appliqués.
3. If you are boredfill a sheet of paper with different colors.
4. If something hurtssculpt.
5. If you want to understand your feelingsdraw a self-portrait.
6. If you are saddraw a rainbow.
7. If you are outragedtear the paper into small pieces.
8. If you feel anguishmake a rag doll.
9. If you are worriedpractice origami.
10. If you are tense, draw different patterns.
11. If you are disappointedmake a replica of a painting.
12. If you need to remember somethingdraw mazes.
13. If you need to understand somethingdraw mandalas.
14. If you are desperatedraw paths.
15. If you are angrydraw lines.
16. If you need to restore energydraw landscapes.
17. If you need to systematize your thoughtsdraw cells or squares.
18. If it is important to remember your statusdraw colored spots.
19. If you want to understand your desiresmake a collage.
20. If you want to focus on your thoughtsdraw using points.
twenty-one. To find the optimal solution to a situationdraw or paint waves.
22. If you feel like you’re stuck and need to move ondraw spirals.
23. Yes you feel alone, draw curves and waves.
Important: It should be clarified that La Bioguía does not give medical advice or prescribe the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical or mental problems without the advice of a doctor, either directly or indirectly. In the case of applying any information on this site for this purpose, La Bioguía does not assume responsibility for these acts. The intention of the site is only to offer information of a general nature to help in the search for personal development and growth.