Life is a constant learning, but we already know that not everything in it is rosy. Sometimes we learn from love, but others, we do it from pain. For this reason, we are not always happy nor do we live moments as beautiful as the advertisements show us. But it’s up to us to capitalize on what we’ve learned or sink into the negative and stop moving forward.
Having a high energy vibration implies understanding that everything that happens to you is for your growth. That’s why people who have an optimistic attitude tend to attract better possibilities and even seem to radiate positivity around them. The pessimists, on the other hand, close in on themselves and end up checking the low frequency outside, which is really in their heart.
Are you vibrating high? Read these questions and answer yes or no, depending on how you feel today.
- 1. Do you feel happy?
- 2. Do you think that, in general, what happens to you is placed in its indicated place without any problem?
- 3. Are you in good health?
- 4. Does your body feel good, without injuries?
- 5. Do you constantly complain about everything?
- 6. Do you feel well rested and can you sleep well?
- 7. The dreams you remember, are they good?
- 8. Do you manifest the things you want? Are they specified?
- 9. Do you feel that time passes quickly?
- 10. Are you excited to wake up in the morning?
- 11. Do you listen to your intuition?
- 12. Do you give and receive love?
- 13. Are your finances in relative order?
- 14. Do you like your job or what you do?
- 15. Do you have healthy relationships with others?
You vibrate high if you answered yes to most of these questions. Surely you have also answered no in some. You are human, not perfect!
The goal is not to have a completely happy life, that does not exist. Your energy always changes, but the important thing is to try to be the best you can be. How? The key is to stay connected with our hearts, with the love of others, to be genuine and to think that life depends on how we stand in front of what happens.
Taking charge and deciding for our well-being is very different from victimizing ourselves and waiting for everything to get better, without doing anything about it.
And you, do you have a high energy vibration? Tell us!
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