15 questions to ask your partner to deepen your bond

At first, the couple is pure ardor. Both parties want to know everything about the other, the curiosity when exploring their bodies and their souls seems to have no limits.

But, as the years go by, that innate curiosity is slowly being lost. You start to feel that you know each other inside out, and then the daily conversations start to be limited to the everyday.

Thus, many times, routine kills the couple, turns off love. However, that does not have to be the case. In reality, one never finishes knowing another person, nor do the possibilities of discovering new things end.

It is only necessary to know how to do it and, logically, enjoy the process. Not being embarrassed or afraid to try new things, bring up different topics of conversation, or ask questions.

Precisely, many couples therapy specialists insist that asking the couple about certain issues can deepen the bond. These are 15 of those questions to ask your partner if you want to improve the relationship.

1. How was your day?

It may seem basic, but… How many times does night come, you and your partner go to sleep, and you have no idea how it went?

According to the American psychologist Mudita Rastogi “this simple and direct question allows people to share details and stay connected on a day-to-day basis.”

2. What do you need from me right now?

Sometimes one of the worst mistakes is taking things for granted. Perhaps we try too hard and spend a lot of energy doing things “that the other does not value”. That wears us down and makes us feel frustrated.

But maybe it’s not that your partner doesn’t value it: maybe it’s not what he needs from you. Why go around guessing, if you may ask?

3. What are the details that I have with you and do they remind you of how I feel about you?

Thus, you can repeat them when you feel like showing your feelings effectively.

4. What are you waiting for today? For this week? This month?

Asking about your partner’s hopes and expectations helps you tune in to what she enjoys and wants, Rastogi explains. In addition, it also helps to balance day-to-day priorities, taking into account what both of you want.

5. If money was not a problem, what would you do tomorrow?

Sometimes the couple cares too much about money. The economic pressure can bring many problems in the couple.

Thinking, however, about what they would do if money wasn’t an issue can get them creative. Perhaps there are many that they can do, even without money!

6. What makes you angry or frustrated about our life and our relationship?

Knowing how to express and talk about those things that bother you is, perhaps, the basis of a healthy relationship.

Therefore, rather than wait for a conflict to arise to discuss important issues, it is better to ask. That bothers you? Talking about these things in moments of calm allows you to touch on the issues in a much more serious and assertive way than doing it in the middle of a discussion.

7. In what moments do you feel greater love for me?

There are always things that make us fall in love with each other day by day. It could be the way he moves when he sleeps, the passion he puts into cooking, or the concentration on his face when trying to solve a problem.

Asking and talking about it will help you connect with what sparks the romance and dig deeper into the things that made you fall in love in the first place.

8. How can I help you feel comfortable?

Day by day we carry many tensions, pains, sadness, anger. And sometimes, we need to lean on our partner. But maybe, being on the other side, we don’t know how to be that anchor, and we end up having conflicts.

Why better not ask? Ask your partner if there is anything you can do to make them feel better. Perhaps it is simpler than you think.

9. What are the 3 things you like most about me, and that make me unique for you?

We all have things that make us unique. Knowing which of these things is the one that your partner values ​​the most will help you improve your own self-esteem, and even recognize positive traits of your personality that you did not even take into account.

10. What would you like to change about yourself?

Understanding how your partner feels about themselves can also help you understand how they feel about you, or why certain things concern them more than others.

11. What is the most important thing for you in bed?

Come on, we must not forget to talk about sexuality. Many times the routine is imposed in bed, and we don’t talk about it; we just let it be. But perhaps, that letting be ends up being the worst for the relationship.

Talking clearly about each other’s tastes and preferences in terms of sex is a great way to deepen the relationship and break down taboos.

12. What fuels your sexual desire?

Along these lines, it is also a good idea to know when your partner feels most motivated to have sex. Many times, sexual problems have to do with not finding the right moments to seek intimacy.

13. If you were given 3 wishes, what would you ask for?

Sometimes we live with a person for a long time, without knowing what their deepest dreams really are. But that answer can say a lot more about your partner and your relationship than you think.

14. If I spent a day being you, what would I feel?

Trying to put yourself in the place of the other is something very useful for couples; but it is not always easy. That’s why this little exercise in imagination can help you.

15. What would you change about yourself if you could?

This question helps you to know the insecurities of the other, and why not? To help you overcome them.