Do you feel that there are people who, no matter what they do, always smell good? Even if they have been running or just got up. It is not magic, nor is it simply genetic. It is that they practice some good habits that collaborate with always smelling good.
Although taking care of personal hygiene is important in all aspects, bathing every day is not the secret of the perfect aroma. There are those who religiously bathe daily and don’t exactly smell like roses, and vice versa.
If you want to be one of those who have a perfect aroma in any circumstance, here are some secrets. They are easier than you imagine!
1. What you eat influences
Surprised? What you eat affects all areas of your life, and the smell is one of them. Foods rich in onion and garlic, for example, affect the breath, and also the aroma of the skin. The effect can last up to 48 hours. The same goes for strong spices, like cumin and curry.
On the contrary, fresh foods such as fruits and vegetables are ideal for maintaining a pleasant aroma.
2. Choose the fragrance well
As for perfume, it is best to choose the one that goes well with your skin. Has it ever happened to you that you smell a perfume that you love on someone, and when you put it on you find it unpleasant?
The important thing is not only that you like its aroma, but that it goes well with you. In relation to your skin, and also to other things, such as your personality. Also try to choose fragrances with natural components, and always without alcohol.
3. If you wear perfume, never rub it in.
Some people have a habit of applying perfume and rubbing it against the skin. But this, instead of improving its effect, worsens it. In this way, you get the best part of the fragrance to disappear, and only the alcohol or the component with which it is made remains.
Better apply on the wrists and neck without touching it. Otherwise, you can put a little perfume in the air and walk through it.
4. Take care of the smell of clothes
Clothing is an important factor in the scent you have every day. Beyond the bad smell from use, there are other things you can take into account.
Use soap and softeners that give it a good smell. Also, you can try putting a sachet of lavender or other aromatic herbs in the drawers. Thus, your stored clothes will not take a bad smell from the drawer, but on the contrary, it will have a delicious fragrance.
5. Moisturize your skin
Dry skin tends to absorb and dissipate perfumes and fragrances quickly. On the other hand, hydrated skin repels bad odors and keeps fragrances longer.
Drink plenty of water and use moisturizing products.
6. Use perfume in the right areas
If you really want to smell good when you leave your house, applying your favorite perfume is a science. To begin with, you should do it half an hour before, so that the smell dissipates and it does not seem that you have thrown the jar on top.
Although… You will have to apply a lot of fragrance! According to Aedes de Venustas, owner of Karl Bradl, the perfume works from the bottom up. Therefore, you should consider spraying fragrance on your knees, chest, and behind your ears.
Also, in hot areas, such as the stomach, the back of your neck, armpits, ankles, etc.
7. Remember that if you use shampoo, you will smell of it
The scented products you use on your body continue to smell even after you shower. Perhaps, if you don’t like the way you smell, what you really dislike is the way a product you use smells, or the combination it forms with your perfume or with your own skin.
8. Combine all the products you use on your body
If you use products such as creams or lotions, or even homemade preparations to take care of your skin or any part of your body, keep in mind that its fragrance will also remain and mix with the others.
9. Scent your bed and bath linens
Remember that we spend many hours sleeping. The smell of sheets and pillows also permeates our skin. Since you are used to that aroma, you probably do not feel it, but others do.
It is best to refresh its aroma using a natural spray (for example, you can mix lemon, water and cinnamon) to eliminate the bacteria responsible for giving bad smell, your body will not absorb the unpleasantness of bad aromas.
You can apply the same spray to swimwear, for the same reasons.
10. Take care of your feet
Always take care of the smell of your feet. It doesn’t matter if you wear sandals or open shoes, your feet still perspire.
If your feet tend to smell bad during the day, don’t worry, it happens to many people and it’s easy to fix. Just remember to sanitize them more often than the rest of your body. Remember that smelly feet can ruin any moment.
11. Take care of your breath
Breath is a large part of a person’s scent. Even if you don’t plan to kiss anyone, your breath influences the way you smell overall.
Therefore, first of all, brush your teeth well and take care of your oral hygiene. You can use rinses, but always without alcohol, otherwise you will have the opposite effect. Better if they are natural products, as always.
You can use these natural remedies to combat bad breath. Of course, always remember point 1: be careful what you eat.