11 curious and funny facts that you probably did not know

Have you realized that we live in an amazing world and we know very little about it? There are hundreds of curious and funny facts that surprise us and that it is great to know. Not only because you want to impress someone, but because they are surprising facts and it is good to remember them.

the world is full of curious and funny factsas well as interesting. In this article we recover some of the ones that most attract our attention and the most diverse themes, so go ahead, there is something for all tastes.

From curious facts about the human body, to others about nature, the animal kingdom, the planet, to those you wouldn’t want to hear; there are hundreds of topics that you did not know and today you can learn. There are many curious and interesting facts that you should not miss.

Curious facts about the human body

Our body is a perfect machine, incredible and capable of many things. Although science continues to study it daily, there is still so much we don’t know about it, making it a constant source of wonder.

Here we bring you some curious and interesting facts that you surely did not know about the human body.

1. A special perfume

Did you know that each person has their own scent? This is due to pheromones, chemical substances that we produce and that act as signals. These have been studied a lot in the rest of the animals, but they also work with humans. In general, they have the ability to influence individuals of the same species.

Each person has their own aroma that identifies them, like the rest of the species. Some of us are able to detect it conscientiously, others do not realize it, but have you ever remembered a person by their smell?

2. the power of the heart

Another of the curious and funny facts about the human body is that our heart is so strong that it is capable of moving a car. That’s right, the force it exerts when pumping would be enough to move a car. Also the precision with which it pumps would be able to reach ten meters away

3. The most trained

Another curious fact about the human body is that the eyes have the most trained muscles in the human body. Amazing, right? But that’s right, the muscles of our eyes move about 100,000 times a day! If we see it in perspective, for the legs to exercise in the same way you should walk about 80 km per day.

Curious and interesting facts about the animal kingdom

Although scientists study the animal kingdom every day we are surprised by new species or special behaviors of those we already knew. Surprise yourself with these curious and funny facts, but above all interesting facts about the animal kingdom.

4. The Incredible Giants

Elephants are animals with incredible capabilities. Although they seem enormous to us, there are others of much more enormous proportions. For example, an elephant weighs the same as a blue whale’s tongue. Imagine the size of this marine animal!

But in addition to their peculiar shape and size, elephants are extremely intelligent animals and fundamental to the ecosystems they inhabit. They are capable of detecting water 250 kilometers away, while having an intuitive communication system through which they are informed within the herd when they find a reservoir. To do this they use a kind of low-frequency grunts.

5. The sleepers of the animal kingdom

Do you like kittens? Well, here is one of the most curious and funny facts about them: they spend more than 70% of their lives sleeping. That’s right, and the remaining 30% are torn between grooming, playing and spending around 10,950 hours purring, who doesn’t want a cat’s life at least once in their life?

6. Fish also hydrate

Although they spend their entire lives submerged and water is the medium in which they live and move, fish also drink. In fact if they don’t they dehydrate, just like us.

In fact, saltwater fish have the ability to expel the excess salt they ingest by drinking water through their gills. It is also necessary that the salt in the water is balanced, otherwise they could consume it in excess and die. For there are places like the Dead Sea where the amounts of salt in the water are so large that fish life there is not possible.

Curious and interesting facts about the planet

Our planet is also full of curiosities: rivers that boil, changes in gravity, plates that move, enormous coral reefs. The world is a place full of mysteries and possible discoveries.

7. A river that boils?

That’s how it is. In the heart of the Peruvian Amazon lies the Shanay-timpishka, a 6.4-kilometer-long thermal river whose waters reach temperatures of 97° C. This spectacular torrent of almost boiling water was discovered by geoscientist and National Geographic explorer, Andrés Ruzo, who arrived thanks to the legends that had passed from generation to generation.

For the natives it is a sacred place. With the naked eye it can be found because the water vapor generates a mysterious mist in the middle of the jungle. While it is deadly to most animals that accidentally fall into it, it harbors life. Yes, it may seem incredible, but it turns out that there are microorganisms that were unknown until now and that are prepared to withstand high temperatures.

8. The earth is a huge magnet that acts as a shield

Sounds like science fiction right? But as incredible as it may seem, it is totally true. The earth has a huge magnetic field that emanates from its core and acts as a protective shield from the continual bombardment of particles from the Sun. This field goes as far as it meets the solar wind.

It also has other properties such as guiding animals and us, human beings, through the use of compasses.

Furthermore, these magnetic poles reverse every 100,000 years or so, which means that if we could travel 800,000 years back in time, Antarctica would be north!

9. The laws of gravity are not the same all over the planet

Although everything falls, it does not fall in the same way depending on where we are. Since the planet is not a sphere, but rather an ellipse that is flattened at the poles, the ground is irregular and the land mass is not distributed equally. As we move away from the equator towards the poles, the intensity of the gravitational field gradually increases. However, this difference is completely imperceptible to humans.

Fun facts about food

The foods we eat and some condiments also have many curious and funny or interesting facts that you probably didn’t know. Like some things that we use to season our food, consumed in large quantities, can be very toxic.

10. Nutmeg can be deadly

While a little grated nutmeg can be perfect for flavoring puree or white sauce, you shouldn’t go overboard with it, as large amounts can be problematic.

From 10 grams, it produces hallucinogenic effects! Incredible, right? The worst part is that it lasts for more than 24 hours and comes with some pretty horrible side effects, like vomiting, dehydration, and generalized pain.

11. There are thousands of types of tomato

Nothing “perita”, “round” or “cherry”, even if it seems incredible and in the greengrocer you only get two or three, there are more than ten thousand types of tomatoes in the world.

It turns out that this fruit, originally from America and domesticated by the Aztecs, has spread around the planet and has a great capacity for adaptation. Not only are there thousands of types, but they come in different shapes and colors. In fact, the tomato was first brought to Europe for ornamental purposes, with the yellow ones arriving first, which were called “golden apples”.

As you can see, we live in an incredible world, full of information and peculiarities of which we have not the slightest idea. Yes, it’s full of fun and curious facts that are always fun to know. Tell us, what did you think of the ones we proposed here? Did you know them?