The infinitive verbs They are those that are not conjugated, that is, they do not express tense, mode, or person. It is one of the three non-personal forms of the verb, together with the gerund and the participle. In this way, they transmit an action but without referring to an agent directly. For example: jump, have, sleep.
The infinitive is the grammatical form that gives the verb its name, and all the infinitives in Spanish are located, according to their ending, in one of these three groups:
Verb conjugation patterns correspond to infinitives love, fear Y leave. Thus, all regular verbs can be conjugated following the corresponding model according to their ending. On the other hand, irregular verbs are those that deviate from these schemes and present their own conjugation. For example: squeeze, err, be born.
Examples of verbs in the infinitive
First conjugation Second conjugation Third conjugation abrazarI learnederaprto gochordarbabyeradmitto goactuarACeracquireto goanimearI meterattendedto golandedaragainsterbatto gonotifyarrunerconcludedto godanceardemolitionerI droveto gokissarI hardenederconsentto gosearchedarI went crazyerbuiltto gocalculatedarsetercontributedto goI walkedarI attendedercorrectedto gocancelarbarrershortto goamountarcederdiscussedto goclosedardeberI decidedto goconnectarhiderdeducedto gotastearfavorecergoodbyeto godeterminedarguarecerspreadto gofoundaryouersqueezedto goangryarmoverdifferto gosickarbornerdiscussedto gocoolarolerdividedto goI heardarmisserwriteto goI studiedarI stayederrequiredto goexpressarpresetcerflooto gospokearpreverI frownedto gojugarproveergemto gojustifiedarwanterhuhto gobarkedarroomerhundredto gowasharimposeerprintto gocalledarThe mersign upto gocarriedardeservederintroduceto gocryarI obeyederto goI foughtargot darkerThe tto goMarcharproposeerluketo gomemorizedartourermidto golookarrecognizederdeathto goI observedarredoernourishto goforgotarretroereitherto gothoughtarromperomittedto goforgivenessarsaterpairto goreplacedaryeserpresumedto gorestarsuspenderforbidto gorotarverreto gojumpedarcome backerresumeto gowhistlearpicked uperSaltto goarearsatisfyerfeltto gosupportartorcersmileto goheldarsellersubstituteto gosumarbeatertransgressedto gosuperarjuxtaposeertransmitto gofinishedaryakerato goTomarabsorberurdto gotransferredarI hinderedervestto gotrotarenragedervivto go
simple and compound infinitives
Infinitive verbs have simple and compound forms. Simple infinitives are those that are made up of a single word (for example: release, advance, repress) and compounds are those that are formed with the verb “to have” followed by a participle (for example: to have run, to have listened, to have sung).
Remember: Unlike simple forms, which do not have a temporal aspect, compound infinitives place the action in the past tense. For example: I’d have to having called before coming.
Functions of the infinitives
The functions that infinitives can play in a sentence are the same as nouns. However, due to their verbal value, the infinitives can be accompanied by the modifiers of the verbs.
Infinitives can function as the nucleus of the following syntactic structures:
To keep in mind: Some infinitive verbs have been nominalized with use, which is why they acquired the value of independent nouns and are used as such. For example: East dawn it is wonderful. / The fight for him can is always ruthless.
Examples of sentences with verbs in the infinitive
- Read it is my favorite activity.
- I have seen it fall out infinite times.
- Escape it will not solve the problem.
- For take part of the championship, it is necessary have 18 years.
- If you want Approve the exam, study.
- My passion is travel around the world.
- The most important thing in life is to be Merry.
- His only goal at the moment is end up his career.
- I settle for grasp the lesson.
- Tried convey his message, but he didn’t make it.
- The man reacted without to think and that has consequences.
- The mother listened to her son arrive at dawn.
- your way of see things are different than mine.
- Before go out of the house, check that the windows are properly closed.
- It’s hard To imagine how you feel.
- The best way to learn is listening.
- The woman saw him walk away Without remedy.
- Before to talkIt is preferable reflect.
- Want is can.
- It is important arrive an agreement.
- Try to having to your father, but I couldn’t.
- The young man is unable to to listen what they tell you.
- we are close to achieve our objetive.
- The woman is fed up to struggle against all odds.
- We are willing to negotiate.
- I bought the ingredients for to do a cake.
- Friends will help you go out of the situation you are in.
- I regret not Have done what you advised me
- Does not like have trouble with anyone.
- It’s a tough bone gnaw.
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