100 Examples of Animated Nouns

Animated Nouns

The animated nouns They are nouns that are used to name things that have life. For example: elephant, Juana, grandfather.

An animated noun can be a proper noun (Maria), a noun referring to a person (butcher, friend) or an animal (monkey, ostrich, bee). They can also be personified objects (Angel, Unicorn) or any non-real object that, in a certain literary context, is attributed to life.

Examples of Animated Nouns

grandfather husband grandson actress starfish child eagle student Noelia housewife soccer player boyfriend angel cat killer whale spider seagull sheep bacteria Gervasio father whale Gonzalo parasite baby gorilla duck librarian worm fish kangaroo brother Pedro horse son journalist waitress man dog canary engineer penguin singer insect pluto singer boss cousin zebra giraffe octopus centaur Juan puma pig owl Raúl pig lion rhinoceros Claudia hare Romina partner Luciana Ruperta rabbit firefly Sabrina lamb mother Santiago brother-in-law godmother Saúl Diana teacher nephew God Mary womb goddess Marta uncle Venus mechanic mole executive Mickey Mouse bull electrician Mirta turtle elephant woman toucan beetle musician cow
