Dedicating the last thought of the day to God is something very important for all those people who have faith, so night prayers They are a very good way to be able to thank for the blessings received, as well as to ask for a good rest or some other request.
The night prayers They are generally prayed at the last moment before going to sleep and can be done while lying on the bed, with the family before saying goodbye, or kneeling in the privacy of the room.
10 examples of prayers at night:
1.- Prayer to Jesus Christ.
My God, Jesus Christ, I thank you for all the benefits you have bestowed on this day. I offer you my dream and all the moments of tonight and I ask you to keep me in it without sin. For this reason I place myself within your most holy side and under the mantle of my Mother, the Virgin Mary. Help me and keep me in peace the holy angels and come upon me your blessing. (You meditate on the faults committed during the day and then you ask for forgiveness for them with a heartfelt repentance). My Lord, Jesus Christ, true God and Man, my Creator, Father and Redeemer, because you are who you are, infinite goodness and because I love you above all things, it weighs me down with all my heart for having offended you. Helped by your Divine Grace, I firmly propose never to sin again, confess and fulfill the penance that was imposed on me. (An Our Father, Hail Mary, Creed is prayed). Angel of God, angel of God, since sovereign mercy entrusted me to you, enlighten me, govern me, keep me and govern me tonight. Amen.
2.- Prayer to the Father.
My Father, now that the voices have silenced and the cries have died down, here at the foot of the bed my soul rises up to you, to tell you that I believe in you, I hope in you, I love you with all my strength, Glory to you Lord . I deposit in your hands, the fatigue and the struggle, the joys and disappointments of this day that is left behind. If my nerves betrayed me, if selfish impulses dominated me, if I gave way to resentment or sadness, forgive me sir. Have mercy on me. If I have been unfaithful, if I uttered vain words, if I let myself be carried away by impatience. If I was a thorn for someone, sorry sir. I do not want to give myself up to sleep tonight, without feeling on my soul the security of your mercy, your sweet mercy, entirely free, Lord. I thank you, my Father, because you have been the cool shadow that has sheltered me throughout this day. I thank you because, invisible, affectionate, enveloping, you have taken care of me throughout these hours. Lord, around me everything is quiet and calm. Send the angel of peace to this house. Relax my nerves, calm my spirit, release my tensions, flood my being with silence and serenity. Watch over me, dear Father, while I confidently surrender to sleep, like a child sleeping happily in your arms. In your name Lord, I will rest easy. Amen.
3.- Prayer of thanks.
I thank you, my God, for all the benefits that you have given me today. I ask your forgiveness for all the faults I have committed during this day, it weighs me with all my heart to have offended you and I firmly propose never to sin again, helped by your divine grace. Amen.
4.- Prayer for a good sleep.
Visit, Lord, this room and drive away from it all the snares of the enemy. May your holy angels be here, keep us in peace, and give us your Holy Blessing, through the merits of Christ Our Lord. Amen.
5.- Prayer at the end of the day.
You, Lord, who illuminate the night and make the light dawn again after the darkness, make sure that, during the night that now begins, we are exempt from all guilt and that when the new day dawns, we can meet again in your presence. to thank you again. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who with you lives and reigns in unity with the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.
6.- Prayer to go to sleep.
I adore you my God, I love you with all my heart, I thank you for having created me, for having made me a Christian and for having preserved me on this day. Forgive me the evil that I have committed today and if I have done any benefit, accept it. Grant me rest and deliver me from dangers. May your grace always be with me and with all my loved ones. Amen.
7.- Prayer to the Virgin Mary.
My mother, pray and intercede for me, before the Lord throughout this night and for all my relatives and acquaintances, also for so many poor people who do not have anything to eat and will sleep on the street, for so many children and adolescents alone and abandoned, for so many young people who will be in danger, for all the elderly, for all the sick, dying and dying, for all the priests, fill their solitude with your love. And if tonight the Lord calls us into her presence, reach us from the Lord her infinite mercy so that through her we may be saved. She watches over us and cover us all with your motherly prayer and love throughout this night. Amen.
8.- Prayer of thanks.
Thank you, because at the end of the day we can thank you for the merits of your death and the Bread of the Eucharist. The fullness of joy, of having lived your Alliance, faith, love, hope and this goodness of your commitment, to turn our dream into humble praise. Glory to the Father, glory to the Son and glory to the Holy Spirit. Amen.
9.- Night prayer.
Watch, O Lord, with those who are awake, or watch, or cry tonight and send your angels and saints to protect those who sleep. Take care of your sick, O Lord Jesus Christ. Make your fatigued rest, bless your dying, soften the sufferings of those who suffer, take pity on your afflicted, defend those who enjoy and all for your love. Amen.
10.- Prayer at dusk.
At the end, Lord, one more day I entrust myself to you entirely, my progress and my failures, my feelings and my doubts, my affections and my grief. Give me patience Lord, despite the concerns that assail me, give me courage to change what I must change in my life, give me serenity to accept what I cannot change. I thank you, Lord, for how much others do to help me. I beg you not to walk away tonight from those who are afraid, or are alone. Caress those who suffer, comfort those who are distressed and depressed, help those who waver in their faith. Alleviate suffering, instill peace in minds and hope in hearts. Make, Lord, that instead of cursing the darkness I am ready to light my lamp to illuminate the world. Amen.
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Del Moral, M. (2023, January 12). 10 Examples of Night Prayers. . /10-ejemplos-de-oraciones-de-la-noche/