10 Characteristics of the Digestive System

We explain what the digestive system is and what its different functions are. In addition, we explain its general characteristics and accessory glands.

What is the digestive system?

The digestive system is a set of organs that are formed to process food and which are intended to break down and transform into food for the body’s cells. The digestive system is made up of different parts. Each of these performs a fundamental task in the transformation of food.

The digestion process is similar in all mammals. In this apparatus, food is ingested through the mouth and processed with the help of different enzymes and glands that convert it into nutrients for the body. Food that does not provide nutrients is discarded. through urine or feces.

The digestive process usually takes between 2 and 4 hours.However, certain nutrients can be fully assimilated by the body after several days of ingestion.

Characteristics of the digestive system:

  1. Function of the digestive system

The digestive system is designed to convert food into proteins so that the body’s cells can be fed. However, the process can be defined in 4 stages or steps:

  • Transport. Receive the food.
  • Secretion. It breaks down food using gastric juices.
  • Absorption. Transforms into nutrients.
  • Excretion. Foods that do not serve as nutrition are eliminated from the body.
  1. Mouth

Food enters through the mouth. It is thanks to the teeth that food can be crushed.In addition, the tongue helps mix food with saliva and forms a paste (called bolus) that is then transferred to the esophagus.

  1. Chewing and saliva

During the chewing of food (which is produced in the mouth), saliva plays an essential role since, breaks down some of the food to form the bolus which will pass into the stomach. On the other hand, saliva also aids digestion and helps destroy bacteria that enter through the mouth.

  1. The pharynx

Then, Food passes briefly through the pharynxThis is a tube through which both air, oxygen and food circulate and is located in the neck. The food then passes through the esophagus, which in humans is 30 cm long.

  1. Esophagus

This muscle It is the one that carries food to the stomach.It is located in the neck and is part of the digestive system, but oxygen also passes through there, so it is part of the respiratory system and the digestive system at the same time.

Exists a kind of cover (the epiglottis) located in the larynx (respiratory system) which are designed to close off the trachea so that food is diverted into the pharynx and does not continue down the esophagus. When this fails and a drop of saliva or a food particle continues down the esophagus, violent coughing and choking occur, causing food to return to the mouth immediately.

  1. Stomach

Already in the stomach Food is mixed with gastric juicesThese juices allow the disintegration of the food bolus, which in turn allows the food to pass into the small intestine.

  1. Small intestine

This is divided into 3 parts: the duodenum, the jejunum and the ileum.

  • The duodenum. It is 25 cm long and is responsible for absorbing nutrients, especially iron. The duodenum is responsible for activating hunger signals.
  • The jejunum. It is between 1.5 and 2.5 cm long and is located between the duodenum and the ileum. Its function is to absorb the substance from food. In this part, carbohydrates, proteins and lipids are broken down to a minimum.
  • The ileum. It is 7.5 cm long and is responsible for the absorption of vitamin B12 and the absorption of already digested food.
  1. The large intestine and the anus

The large intestine can be subdivided for study into 4 parts: the cecum, the colon, the rectum and the anal canal.

  • The blind. It is shaped like a sack and contains many substances that facilitate the digestion process.
  • The colon. It is the largest part of the large intestine and is subdivided into:
    • Ascending colon
    • Transverse colon
    • Descending colon

The main function of the colon is to convert the fluid from the small intestine (called chyme) into feces. Vitamins K and B are also produced here. Antibodies are also created in this part of the digestive system.

  • The rectum. This section measures between 15 and 20 cm. Its function is to collect the waste eliminated in the previous process and retain it until it is then expelled.
  • The anal canal. It is about 4 cm long. The walls of this canal contain internal and external muscles called sphincters that control the excretion of fecal matter from the body.
  1. Accessory organs or glands

The function of the annex organs is to break down food and facilitate digestion and the absorption of nutrients in the body. These glands are:

  • Salivary glands. These are found in the mouth and secrete saliva. This saliva is used to moisten food but also fights some bacteria found in food.
  • Gastric juices. These juices are found in the stomach. They also facilitate the breakdown of food into nutrients.
  • Liver. This is the largest gland in the human body. It has the function of producing bile (through which fat is absorbed). It also detoxifies the body and stores vitamins. The gallbladder is located inside the liver. The bile produced in the liver is stored here and is used when food is in the duodenum.
  • Pancreas. It is responsible for the secretion of insulin. This is essential for regulating blood sugar. Failure of the pancreas causes diabetes.
  1. The work of enzymes

During digestion, both proteins and Carbohydrates and lipids are transformed into simpler units thanks to the intervention of enzymes. In this way, they can be absorbed and transported by the blood.