10 Characteristics of Symbols

We explain what symbols are and what their characteristics are. Also, the types of symbols that exist and what they represent.

What are symbols?

Symbols are iconic representations that represent ideas or concepts. A symbol is a sign.

Many times the symbols They turn out to be abstract and the elaboration of a thought is necessary that is framed in a certain society and at a specific moment for its understanding. For example, the cross for Christians is a symbol that remembers the death of Jesus Christ. However this cross could represent something else for people born somewhere else before the death of Jesus Christ.

Symbols generally express ideas or concepts that are of great importance or significance for a certain place. In fact, cultures use symbols to express and transmit something of their own culture.

Every society uses symbols since These are complex elaborations of thought. Semiotics is the science that studies the different signs that are created in society.

See also: National identity.

Characteristics of symbols:

  1. Abstracts

At its birth the symbol may not be abstract. However, once it is culturally accepted it can become completely abstract and independent of the icon or object it represents.

  1. Context

Every symbol, To be understood, it requires a certain contextThat is to say, a symbol will be representative of something for a given culture in a given context.

  1. Prior knowledge

It is important to remember that a symbol evokes in the minds of the recipients a whole set of knowledge previously learned and incorporated. Thus, in the example of the Christian cross, it reminds Catholics of the moment of Christ’s crucifixion. This can only be representative for the recipients if they know the story beforehand.

  1. Type of symbols

There are different types of symbols:

  • Trading symbols. Those that express a specific brand but, due to the very independence of the symbol, are not accompanied by the same brand. An example of this type of symbol is the Nike pipe.
  • Religious symbols. The cross for Christians.
  • Political symbols. The swastika represents the Nazi symbol since it implies knowledge of said symbol for the person who observes it. However, the inverted Nazi symbol (the swastika) has another name (the sauwastika) and represents an octopus that is synonymous with life. In this second example the symbol would be religious and not political.
  • Cultural or national symbols. It can be the shield or flag of a certain country.
  1. It is global and undivided

A symbol, once established as a representative of an idea or concept, cannot be divided. That is to say, cannot express only a part of such an idea or concept but rather encompasses and synthesizes the idea it represents.

  1. Requires an object (icon)

Even though a symbol becomes more or less abstract and independent of the object it represents, undoubtedly requires an object or thing that is tangible and that serves for its representation.

  1. Psychic and emotional footprint (index)

The symbol is the result of a psychic and emotional imprint shared by the members of the same community. In other words, the symbol generates an imprint at an individual level, but this It is shared by the same community. In this sense, the symbol is not only representative on an intellectual level for a certain community but also contains a certain emotional imprint on it.

  1. It is autonomous

The symbol is completely independent of the initial iconic idea which may have served for its formation. On the other hand, the symbol is not governed by logic.

  1. It’s collective

As previously expressed, a symbol has a certain meaning for a society at a certain time. With the modification of events for that society, the symbol can modify its conception but it will always be global for the entire society.

  1. It is representable

Every symbol must be representable, that is, must be able to be expressed graphically since a symbol first and foremost is an icon (that is, a thing or object), loaded with an imprint that has left a psychic and emotional mark on a certain society and that, therefore, has become a symbol for it.