10 Characteristics of Puberty

We explain what puberty is, when it begins and the changes it manifests. Also, what are its characteristics and rituals.

What is Puberty?

Puberty, initial adolescence or early adolescence is the initial phase of transition between the stages of childhood and adulthood in human life. It usually begins between the ages of 10 and 16, depending on the individual, and ends around the age of 19 or 20.

During puberty People undergo a drastic and important series of physical changesbiological and emotional, as they move towards sexual and reproductive maturity.

This implies a marked sexual differentiation in the bodies of boys and girlsas well as a series of hormonal and, consequently, psychosocial and cultural changes.

Puberty It is often a stage of celebratory and initiation rituals, which symbolize the entrance of the pubescent into the adult world. Those who go through this stage are known as pubescent or adolescents.

See also: Old age.

Characteristics of puberty:

  1. Start

Puberty begins at an imprecise time, which varies according to the person, around 13 years old.

It could be before or after, depending on the person’s life context: nutrition, genetic factors and some possible health complications (obesity, for example, delays its onset) or congenital diseases.

  1. Triggers

Puberty It is triggered by our body’s biological clockwhich once ready to undertake the transition to adulthood, triggers the secretion of various hormones (mainly sexual hormones), to activate the reproductive maturation processes of the organism.

This process is unique, individual and irreversibleand it does not depend on the person’s will at all.

  1. Hormones

The main hormones involved in the activation of puberty are somatotropin, testosterone (mostly in men) and estrogens (unique to women), among others.

Main The organs responsible for producing them are the sexual glands or gonads.: the ovaries in women and the testicles in men.

  1. Sexual activation

During puberty the sexual function of individuals awakens, which translates into a new biological, psychological and emotional pushderived from the appearance of sexual hormones in the body.

Added to that reproductive preparation of bodies, which involves the secretion of semen, the thickening of the penis and the growth of the testicles in men; and the beginning of the menstrual cycle and ovulation, breast growth and change in the vaginal mucosa in women.

It may help you: Male reproductive system.

  1. Growth

He body growth and fat redistribution are noticeable in puberty.

In the male case, the broadening of the back and muscles Main factors, the hardening of the features and the increase in height and weight, are common factors.

In women, in addition to growth in size and weight, Hip and bust enlargementa pelvic change occurs that prepares the body for reproduction and childbirth.

  1. Body odor and appearance

Another common change in puberty is the accentuation of body odors, both in men and womenand the change in the nature of the skin, which often leads to episodes of acne, the severity of which depends on each individual.

  1. Appearance of hair

The appearance of body hair is a clear symptom of puberty, especially in the armpits, extremities and pubic areaIn men, facial hair also appears.

  1. Voice changes

Change in voice is common, manifested in the lack of carelessnessIn men, thickening is often preceded by stages of variability and flattening, resulting from changes in the vocal cords.

  1. Emotionality

Emotions are also a field of changes in puberty and It is often considered a stormy and erratic stage in that sense.. Pubescent people experience stimuli in a much more dramatic way and exhibit drastic changes in mood.

This is normal and It is part of the period of emotional adjustment upon entering adulthood.The end result will be greater emotional settlement, characteristic of early adulthood.

  1. Rituals

In human culture, puberty It is usually accompanied by religious, tribal or social initiation ritualswhich usually involve the “introduction” of the new adult member to adult society.

Your availability may also be given for the loving and sexual commitmentas was done with fifteen-year-olds in times not so distant, preparing them for marriage.