10 Characteristics of a Great Entrepreneur

We explain what a great businessman is like and the skills he should possess. Also, what are its main characteristics.

What is an entrepreneur?

An entrepreneur is a person who, having knowledge, information, contacts and, coupled with high levels of innovation and creativity, manages to find a gap or niche in the market to increase salesproduction or discover advances with the aim of increasing a company’s profits.

The term entrepreneur is used as synonym of entrepreneurNext, we will define what essential characteristics a businessman or entrepreneur must have, his best qualities and traits that determine success in his work.

See also: Administrator.

Characteristics of a good entrepreneur:

  1. A keen sense of observation

a good businessman Detects a business where the rest only see chaosFor this reason, the entrepreneur must be constantly up to date and informed of all the micro and macro economic and social reality that surrounds him (at a national and global level as well).

  1. Goals

A businessman You must be clear about what your main objective is: increase sales by expanding market share (market expansion), create new uses for products already on the market (expanding product uses), among many other objectives.

You may be interested in: Strategic management.

  1. Ability to develop ideas

In addition, a businessman must be able to organize these ideas and carry them out. In this way, it is considered that an entrepreneur must have two main characteristics or capabilities:

  • Technical capacity. Which refers to your ability to develop a specific plan that takes you to your goals.
  • Personal capacity. To choose the ideal personnel to accompany you in achieving these goals.
  1. Ability to take measured risks

A good businessman is attentive to market variations and knows how to take measured and well-studied risks. For this reason the businessman is constantly moving and attentive to any market variation and competition, relevant technological innovations, national and global politics and economy, among other information that will depend on each particular sector according to the company to which the entrepreneur belongs.

  1. Making the right decisions

These decisions that the entrepreneur makes They must be in pursuit of the improvement of the company. It is not a decision based on personal benefit, but rather always thinking about making decisions based on whether they are convenient or not for the company.

Thus, he may be faced with a decision that is economically beneficial to the company but with which he (on a personal level) does not agree. In any case, the entrepreneur ensures the uninterrupted growth of the company putting aside their personal opinions when making decisions.

  1. Responsibility

A great businessman is able to follow his action plan with motivation for himself and his employees, respecting the times and parameters of the company’s action plan.

See also: Manager.

  1. Self-confidence

Businessman believe in your project, your goals and your capabilities. He has a vision of the future and trusts his intuition.

He has a great capacity for analysis but also has a trained eye for problem detectionsince they use their sense of observation to see into the future and take a step ahead of each given situation. This prevents everything from minor problems to the bankruptcy of the company.

  1. Multidimensional view

A good businessman, too, constantly observes its environment seeking to optimize its project. Thus, you will be able to observe the company internally and externally. In this way, it evaluates changes in employees, observes their level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction (internal look at the company), as well as calculates possible changes in the market, its direct and indirect competition, changes at a national or global level (look towards outside the company).

  1. Open mind to changes

Frequently, the constant observation and evaluation that the entrepreneur makes internally and externally of the company, leads him to make sudden changes in appearancebut which have been meticulously studied.

  1. Organization

A good entrepreneur not only must be organized in meeting its goalsit must also be so internally with its employees and physical resources. It cannot be left out of any significant detail for the business.